Journey Of Love

Journey Of Love

5 mins

Years ago, when I was just 5 a person entered my life. At that time, I was so young to understand anything. He was of my age and he had come to live in my neighborhood. Eventually we became friends. We used to play together, study together, eat together sometimes in his house and sometimes in mine. In short, we had a great time together. As time passed, from friends we became soul mates. His dad had a business and his family was too busy in that. And my friend used to be alone in house. In neighborhood there were few boys who were were elder to him, they always kept abusing him in every way they could. This broke that poor boy's heart. He started fearing everything and every person. Since, he was a bit dark people insulted him. Does anyone have a right to abuse my bestie? Do they really have the right to hurt my friend’s feelings just because of his color? He was too hurt by their gesture but there was no one who could understand him because his parents were too busy earning. Few days past, he suffered a lot but he never told anything to anyone. He just kept to himself. Even I didn’t know all this. And maybe even I was too young to understand all this at that time. This part of his life, his suffering I came to know just recently.

After few months, their family suffered a great loss in business. They had to sell everything from their house to shop to everything they owned. They left my neighborhood house and left and without informing anyone they just left. It was a heart breaking moment for me as well my friend. We had lost other. I was so used to being with him that few days I used to cry to just meet him. But it was impossible as they had kept no contact with us. I used to wonder how could he do this to me, to us, how could he leave us without even informing? But there was no one who could answer my question who could bring him back. After few years, although I never forgot him but I felt that I would never ever meet him again.

But to my surprise our destiny had separate plans for us. Yeah, you guessed it right and we met again. All thanks to ark Zuckerberg for creating an app called Facebook. I know it sounds a bit filmy but believe me it's true. Yes we meet each other in Facebook after 10 years. All credits to him because I was in hope that we would never met again and I never tried to but he, he was different. He searched a lot a finally found me on fb. Though it was hard to believe but we were united again. But when he had sent me request I though he would some random person on fb and I never accepted his request for about a year. I really feel surprised of how he could recognize my face because we had changed a lot. But he always says never forgot my charming face. To be frank I was really unable to recognize him but I had this feeling that I had seen him somewhere. So one fine day I was going through all my fb request and I happened to ask mom because of his name that I feel this the same person who was my bestie in childhood. And yes mom recognized him correctly and I accepted his request. And see the destiny's play it was his birthday when I accepted his friend request. So he was very happy to have back a friend like me and said he got his best birthday gift from me.

So I texted him and asked how was he and his family. And we started chatting since then. I asked him if you had sent a friend request why didn't you text me. To this he replied, that he felt I must have forgotten him. How would he know I never forgot him in fact he was there with me always it was all about my failure to recognize his grown up face. Then after few days we decided to meet up and remembered our good old days. And discussed about our lives, had food and left for our homes. But there was something very strange about him. He had stopped interacting with girls much because of his color girls had hurt him a lot. He never used to make eye contact with any girl and not even with me. And seeing this side of my friend was so strange for me to accept. But later on I started explaining him that not all girls are bad. There are always fe people who love us and few who hate us. That doesn't mean we should start hating everyone. I thought him how to talk with girls and told him that it's not a proper gesture to not maintain eye contact while interacting. Eventually he learned to interact with girls. We used to keep chatting a lot we didn't require a long time to become besties again. But I never had this love feeling for him it was just all about friendship.

But one day he expressed his feelings to me, it was April first and since I was shocked and told him that I never had this feeling for him, he lied to me that he was just fooling me. But later on after few months he confessed his love again and this time it was for real. I was too hesitant to accept his request and never had such feelings for him. But after few months I realized he is the best thing that has happened to me in these years. I'm the most happiest with him send finally I accepted him. After accepting him he revealed that he used to like him since childhood and I was his first crush which was very shocking and unbelievable. Because how could a small child understand love? But he always says that it's the truth even if you don't accept. And now we are a happy couple together since last five years we have been married to each other. I'm having the best days of my life with him.

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