
The person who sacrifices his own life for country. We are sleeping happily and enjoying our freedom because of soldiers.
The life of solider :
Aaditya (Indian army solider) from middle class family. From childhood he had a dream to become solider. After long struggle and dedication he got chance to join in army. Aaditya parents refused him but atlast he convinced them and joined in force.
Aaditya wants to protect India. He worked with so much determination. He completely dedicated to his work. One day he got call from home. At the same time, it's an emergency time for army. Terrorist attack took place. He went to operation he can't at least see his mother on her death bed. It is very emotional time to him but he can't do anything. He had 2 options.
1. He have to
go to mission with his team.
2. Attend Aaditya mother's funeral.
He chose 1st option. He lived for India. He fought for India and he died for India. He have sacrificed his own life for India. Not only Aaditya so many soldiers are dedicated to army.
This is not a story, it is story of every solider, who can't enjoy with their family, can't spend time with wife, can't see the childhood of their child.
We salute our soldiers. We are very lucky have such force to protect our country. We all respect our soldiers. We are proud to be an Indian.