Asma Nazeer

Abstract Drama Inspirational


Asma Nazeer

Abstract Drama Inspirational



3 mins

We the people of India are celebrating our independence day on August 15 every year. Is really We are independent? Here there is a story about a girl after reading this just think about my question.

Diya a girl child who is on the footpath. Because she is a girl child her parents leave her at the footpath. Someone took her to an orphanage home. A newborn girl child who doesn't know this world abounds because she is a girl. 

At the age of 7, a rich family adopted her. But as a maid. She started working at that house for her daily routine. They adopted Diya for their works. Diya has a dream to become a teacher. But her parents not supported Diya to fulfill her dreams. After few years Diya got married to 40 years man at the age of 13. 

Child marriage is strictly prohibited in India but still, some child marriages are going on in some areas

After Diya's marriage, her parents got money. Diya's husband is too aged than Diya. He just passed away 2 years after marriage. Diya is a widow now. There is no respect for a widow in our crucial society. Diya got many problems at this age. She overcame all problems and started a new life. She joined at work in a small company as a maid. A boy named Rohit met Diya. He became a friend to Diya. A fine day Rohit proposed Diya. Diya also accepted his love. She thought that her all problems solved. Diya loves Rohit but Rohit is not the correct guy. He is a cheater. Women trafficking as Rohit's business. Diya fell in love with Rohit but Rohit sold her to Mumbai. 

Diya life is a question mark. After understanding this situation Diya fully embarrassed. As a girl, she doesn't want to happen this. But because of this society, she was marked as a low-grade girl. Diya can't found any way to Live. Finally, She committed suicide. After her death all people thought that she can't deserve to Live anymore, no one stopped her from suicide. 

So friends let's think about what is going on in this society. Where is the freedom to a girl.? Is this Gandhi Ji wanted in India? After 200 years of struggle we got independence, still how. any years girls have to struggle? Diya is an example but there are so many people who are suffered as Diya. We are seeing everywhere many abandoned children, rape cases, child marriages, women trafficking, murders, harassment, and do on. Can we stop all these? When a girl can go on the roads at night on that day we got independence truly.



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