Bhoomika Pradeep



Bhoomika Pradeep


I looked in the mirror and saw......

I looked in the mirror and saw......

2 mins

I looked in the mirror and saw myself in miserable state as if I had less time to live in this world, maybe. I saw myself in torn clothes, my red lipstick smeared all over my face, red bruises seen clearly in my fragile, thin body, it looked as if the bride ran away from her wedding, eating nothing, almond-shaped tears flooded my eyes slowly falling on the ground out of my almond-shaped brown eyes. That's when I heard a click, someone entered the room, it was a man, had a stiff body and face, his face looked calm, but the aura around him was scary. He coldly looked at my my figure, sitting there like a statue and looking down. He went out of the room, locking the door. I looked at myself and asked "Who am I?", "What have I become?", "Is this really whom I am?". I closed my eyes and opened.

I was standing in a familiar yet strange garden, the flowers were dancing with the wind, the sun smiling down on us, predicting how great this day would go. Sparkling waterfall was near, landing the water on the land with a great force, different kinds of animals bowed down to dri

nk water. I felt happy, a smile appeared on my face. While staring at them, I realized someone was beside me, a beautiful women, her eyes were the exact almond-shaped brown eyes just like mine, it attracted me like a strong magnet the connection not able to be broken down since there was no disturbance in the magnetic field, she held my hands gently, it was soft like a cotton cloud. Everything and everyone were fine when suddenly.....the wind got stronger every second like a hurricane ready to swirl everything around it, with this range anybody can fly up in the air. Darkness took over, animals were nowhere to be found, the flowers who were playing happily were fallen dead on the ground, asking for help. The lady was slowly vanishing with a sad smile in her face and telling "Why are you doing this?" disappeared into thin air.

Not able to handle the nightmare, I opened my eyes, my body was gasping for air, huge sweat droplets formed on my forehead which was clear enough to see, panic and tension rose in me. I saw the same figure, it was me. I was looking in the mirror....

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