Gift of Love
Gift of Love

Le Planteur, a very famous restaurant in Yangon, lies in the heart of the city, what makes it unique is; among tall, cylindrical buildings you will see an aesthetically decorated restaurant, Le Planteur.
This is a large, fine restaurant in the city and comes with a great number of delicious food menus. Besides, representation of the foods was another impressive aspect of this restaurant. Pricing is comparatively reasonable compared to other contemporary restaurants in the city.
You'll be thinking, "Why am I telling you so much about a restaurant?" , because from here a turbulent yet cute love story started last christmas. The love story of exigent Mandy and abstruse Ethan.
Who are they, for now we know them as regular customers of this restaurant, and most importantly, they share unique similarity that is they always sit at the same table. Of course not together because of their different visiting times. In reality, they don't even know each other and never met one another until last Christmas.
Last Christmas
This year if you wander around the streets, you'll see almost every house is decorated with frost spikes, which hang off the window sill like a phantom’s glassy fingers. The sweet pine and lavender smell of the tree diffuses across the house, battling over the sizzling turkey smell. The star-flash of tinsel glitters brightly, and ribbons of flame dance in the hearth of the fire. They chase away the burglar-black wall shadows, and sunrise warmth heats up the room.
Le Planteur also brimmed with Christmas decorations and customers because of their turkey and cold beverage combo. Since both Mandy and Ethan live alone in Yangon, they decided to visit the restaurant on Christmas eve rather than be alone in their apartment.
Ethan reached the restaurant earlier than Mandy as he lives closer to the eatery, but he decided to wait, why, because his favourite table was occupied at that time by a family. The manager asked him to accompany him to a different table, but he calmly refused and told him that he could wait until the other family can finish.
On the other side after being stuck in traffic for an hour, Mandy reaches the restaurant. She fastened her steps towards her favourite spot as it was getting emptied at that time. But as she reached it, someone else occupied that table.
Mandy's POV
I was hella irritated today; don't ask why.
First, I had to work overtime because of my annoying senior, and due to the heavy snowfall, almost half of the roads were blocked.
Hence it took me an frustratingly two hours to reach a half-hour distance to Le Planteur. Above of that today's weather is too cold to be alone, that's why I decided to visit my favorite spot in this city.
When I entered the restaurant, I saw that my favourite seat was getting emptied fortunately. Maybe God is not completely ruining my day, to be honest this is the only good thing that happened today. I fastened my steps to take that spot, but suddenly a man took it.
That man…He was, well, different from all others. He was handsome, perhaps not in the conventional sense, but he had that appearance that could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable hazel eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. His eyes were as deep and expressive as they could be; you could get lost if you stared long enough.
Wait a moment, why am I drooling over him? He took my spot.
How dare he?
I moved forward and, slightly in gravelly tone, I asserted, "Hello, mister, I saw this seat before, and here you come out of nowhere claiming this spot."
I huffed and said, "Don't you have the slightest of common sense, huh?"
I saw his sharp jaw clenching, but instead of replying to me, he looked at the manager and signalled him to say something.
The manager said, "Madam, Sir had already booked this table more than an hour ago. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Let me escort you to another table."
Seeing his behaviour I got more irritated, maybe with motive of vexing him more, I moved forward and sat on the seat opposite to that man with a thump. It is needless to say that they were in shock. Though I was also shocked by my behavior, I don't usually do this kind of irrational behavior, but I don't know what has gotten into me today.
Ethan's POV
Finally, after an hour, that spot I was waiting for emptied. The manager asked me to follow him to that table. When I was about to sit, a lady came in front of me & claimed that seat to be hers.
I was surprised and speechless because of her sudden outburst and speechless because of her sight…she was…she has an amazing figure, like a wafer-thin body. She had a carafe-shaped waist and her complexion had an impeccable, tawny hue. Her pencil-thin eyebrows frowned down gently at her black, long thick eyelashes. A sculptor could not have fashioned her seraph’s ears and pixie’s nose any better. I loved her nebulous, green eyes which were a-sparkle with the ‘joie de vivre’. They were like two beryl-green jewels melted into snow.
Her pink lips may taste like rose syrup. It surprised me that they were plump..oh wait...why am I drooling?
She is literally dissing me right
Ethan, have you lost it?
For god sake why no voice is coming out of my throat.
Oh god, it's so embarrassing.
I signaled the manager to explain to her the situation and I kept on drooling...I mean kept staring at her.
After listening to the manager, she became angrier and, to my surprise, she sat in front of me. Though I am not complaining, but it really shocked me.
Manager's POV
Today is Christmas eve, rather than enjoying myself with my family, I am dealing with these two crackheads. One waited for an hour to take a specific table and the other was just claiming the table.
I told the lady politely," Ma'am, Sir booked this seat even before it was emptied....Ma'am allow me to accompany you to another seat."
Irrespective of my pleading, she said in a dissonant tone," No, I will sit here only."
I looked at the other person with my eyes full of begging for mercy.
Sir sighed heavily and said," Okay, let the lady have the seat. Please pack my food, I'll be waiting in the waiting area."
As Sir was about to get up, the lady said hurriedly," I didn't say I'd sit here alone."
Both me and Sir confusedly looked at her.
She continued now in a more guilty & shy manner," What I mean to say is that the restaurant is almost occupied right now & we both want this seat. So..."
Sir added ," So you are suggesting that we could share this seat."
Ma'am nodded.
Sir looked at me and said," We will be sharing this table."
A sigh of relief left my mouth, I took their orders and moved towards the kitchen.
Mandy's POV
I can feel the drops of sweat trickling down my spine, a throbbing pulse in my head and the thumping of my heart. I don't know from where this courage came to me, to speak out those nonsensical excuses to have dinner with that man.
I can feel his curious stare at me, which is making me more nervous.
Ethan's POV
This lady in front of me is full of surprises. I never in any universe thought that she would be interested in having dinner with me. Well, because our encounter was not like those romantic encounters mentioned in Nora Roberts' books.
The atmosphere was becoming so thick between us that it could be cut through a knife.
I cleared my throat & said," Hello, I am Ethan.."
She said," Mandy."
Again, a thick fog of silence enveloped us. I am not a shy person, but why was her presence making me nervous?
After a while, food was served and, like a hungry wolf, I digged in. But when I looked at her plate, she was just twirling a spoon in the side soup bowl and, from time to time, was releasing deep breaths.
"Did you not like the soup...should I call the waiter?"
Before I could complete my sentence, she cut off me by saying,
"I'm sorry."
"Actually, today I had a really bad day and when I saw you taking this table, it just added to my irritation. I'm really ashamed of my irrational behavior. I'm really very sorry for this. That's why, as an apology, let me treat you to this dinner."
"So you're having this dinner with me right now, just for an apology."
I did ask this question, but after that my heart started racing like a marathon runner. Inside I was dying of anticipation.
She meekly said," Of course not, we both know why we are having dinner together now. I just don't want you to have a perception of myself when I am not in my best shape."
Mandy's POV
"Then it's good that the feeling is mutual."
And then he winked at me.
Oh my God....Oh my God...he winked at me.
I know my face looks like a tomato because I was blushing profusely.
Author's POV
From there, our exigent Mandy and abstruse Ethan's love story starts. On that day, they chatted for a long time and eventually exchanged numbers. Even though everything seemed normal that day, but both of them weren't aware that a serene bud of love had germinated that day.
After that day, they started to chat with each other occasionally, then every day, its better to say that now when they look at their devices, they expect messages from other & also started to visit restaurants together, not only restaurants but also to other places together. Maybe one day they'll realize that they've found love with each other.
We all know love is always unexpected. You don't just go and pick someone, cross your fingers and hope that it'll work out.
You meet them by fate and then there is an instant connection or spark between you two. The chemistry you both share will be way above your head. You will simply just talk with them and notice the way how your lips curve, eyes sparkle when they smile or the colour of your eyes changes when they look at you. Then & there, all at once, you know you're screwed.
Sometimes we all feel like it's so amazing that when someone comes to your life and you expect nothing out of it but suddenly, there at that moment, right in front of you, you realize that you have got everything you've ever wanted.
Maybe this is the magic of love and somebody has correctly said no Christmas gift is greater than the gift of love. Accept it, cherish it, extricate yourself and give yourself the Gift of Love.