Our Love...A Story Without End
Our Love...A Story Without End

Today we were having a soothing weather, everything seemed to be bathed in calmness and sanctity. The winds were smelling like a messenger carrying the scent of a rose and the breezes was not at all chilling. The birds were chirping loudly in sync, some were returning to their home and lots of were hopping around in the park.
In this pleasant weather, I was also walking in the park. In front of me, there was a woman perambulating barefoot on the soft grasses.
She was insanely beautiful with brown hazel eyes, silvery locks tied up in a messy bun.
She was slightly chubby, but it just amalgamated to her beauty. Fascinated by her beauty, I sauntered toward her and asked her that if I could buy her a coffee or if she liked to have dinner with me.
She just rolled her eyes, looked at me annoyingly and brushed me off by saying that she just had dinner and she doesn't like coffee. She mercilessly hurted my feelings yet I followed her home.
All of a sudden, she turned and asked why I am following her.
I just said my home is in the same direction, that's why I am walking in the same direction as her.
We stopped before a noble material house, a facade with a beautiful finish with sun and natural color pine. The house looked comfortable and was not unusually big. It looked quite old yet screamed beguiling.
When we reached at the porch, the woman again turned and asked what I am doing here.
I simply said I'm home.
She frowned and gave me a confusing look when I reached for the fingerprint door lock.
The door opened with a beep followed by a click, I ushered her inside, made her sit on the couch and I went to the kitchen to get some water for us.
In the meantime, all of a sudden, she got up and frantically reached for the old bohemian vase placed on side table and threw at me.
Fortunately, the vase just grazed through my arm, but it took me by surprise. Failing in this, she started shouting profanities at me and the very next moment she started pitifully calling for her husband.
After a while, she again started
screaming, panicking and sobbingly asking me who am I, what am I doing here, where is her husband.
I calmly said that I am her servitor who has been appointed by her husband for taking care of her. She calmed down a bit but still was suspicious of me and was looking at me like a scared bunny.
Seeing this, a painful sigh left from my mouth and unwillingly I told her that if she thinks I'm someone of ill intention then he will leave right now. This statement of mine made her calm down more and without any second thought she asked me to leave at the very next moment.
I quietly went out of the house. Even though I asked her this, but I don't why I felt like someone has cut me to the quick and pierced thorn in the heart.
Hours passed; I kept looking at the cloudy sky with stars peeking out time to time in a daze.
After what it felt like eternity, I heard the door click. That woman came out and wrapped me in a cloak like cloth, she cautiously sat beside me and hesitantly put her head on my shoulder.
After a bit I heard her silent sobs which broke my heart more. I hugged her tightly & we both just fell into each other's arms. This time we both broke into tears, it was definitely heart wrenching, but I don't know why it is still felt comfortable maybe because she was into my embrace and we are here together, for now this was enough for me.
She sobbingly said," Bryce, why don't you leave me, why you torture yourself like this every day."
I took her face into my palms and with a tender look, I looked her straight into her eyes and said," Pear, that day when I held your hand on the aisle and said I will be with you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, I meant it. Pear, I love you from all my heart and even though at some point of time you won't remember me.
I'll still be walking with you at the end of the rope, at the end of this evanescent eternity, at the end of this path.
Pear, my love, my life, my dear wife, I want to be with you till my last page of life."