Megha Gupta

Children Stories Inspirational Children


Megha Gupta

Children Stories Inspirational Children

Sri Natarajan & Apasmara

Sri Natarajan & Apasmara

2 mins

We all are familiar with the famous Nataraja pose of Lord Shiva, but have you ever noticed the silhouette of a tiny humanoid over which the Lord is standing? 

That little humanoid figure has unco significance with Sri Nataraja. Actually the tiny humanoid you see there is a devil named Apasmara

Apasmara is believed to be a representation of ignorance and epilepsy. Apa, meaning negation or loss of; smara, meaning recollection or consciousness. According to mythological texts, Apasmara used to plague humans who prayed to Shiva to control him.

In order to ensure the knowledge in the world is preserved, he can not be killed. To kill him would mean attaining knowledge without any dedication or effort, which would devalue the whole notion of knowledge and would also unbalance knowledge and ignorance in the world. Thus, he is destined for immortality.


e, Lord Shiva incarnated as Sri Nataraja. He performed the cosmic Tandava Nritya and suppressed Apasmara under his right foot. As we know Apasmara was destined for immortality. To subdue him forever, Lord Shiva has to remain in that position for eternity. This literally signifies that ignorance has to be subjugated or vanquished by attaining knowledge.

According to Ayurveda, Apasmara is a deadly disease that we call epilepsy. Attack of Apasmara includes falling down; shaking of the hands, legs, and body; rolling up of the eyes; grinding of the teeth, and foaming at the mouth. Apasmara is considered a dangerous disease that is chronic and difficult to treat.

Treatment included correcting the etiological factors and dietary regimen and avoiding dangerous places that may result in injuries. So we can say that the Nataraja position can also convey the meaning that proper treatment and dietary control can defeat chronic diseases like epilepsy.

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