Dead Flower
Dead Flower

After a long time, I saw him. Brown wavy hairs, black eyes, perfect nose pale skin. He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. I wasn't watching him. I was staring. I told myself to look around. If someone caught me. it's a shameful thing (at least for a girl.)
It's not my fault. His smile is hypnotizing me and his eyes, they shine so brightly like they hold the power of 'a thousand' stars. Yet they hold so many dark secrets. I took my eyes away from his mesmerizing face.
I ordered a mug of the coffee (Apparently 3rd). Pretty day! it's another blessing to have a perfect sunny day. after a sip, my eyes automatically turn to his way.
I remember that day when I saw him the very first time. I was in the first year. He enters in class. He acted like our teacher asking questions and asking our name. He was funny and of course, loved by almost everyone. I have a huge crush on him.
"God knows when I
fall so hard for you"
I was an idiot I lost the chance for forever. You know it was the worse day of your life when you lose someone. It stays with you forever. I have heard once that he loves someone. I tried to find out till now I did not found her. "Love makes you vulnerable. I wish I could see you not like this. I wish I could hug you. No one understands the pain. The pain of losing you"
I notice my tears started crossing my cheeks. I know he can't be mine. I can't stop my self from crying over and over again.
I notice that everyone around me started staring at me.
I know why not because I was crying because the photo I was holding that in my hands. It sounds funny but some people stay only in photos and your memories. I let my tears dry put that photo in my diary where I store another memory of him a rose the only gift and last gift from him. Dead flower! Just like him.