shivani j

Drama Tragedy Fantasy


shivani j

Drama Tragedy Fantasy

Lost And Found

Lost And Found

1 min

Outside, it was cold enough to freeze me.

but I need to see him. its been a month I haven't seen him. I want to tell him everything. I want to show my new bag, want to read a poetry for him.i wanna tell him that this month was terrible. I lost someone. someone I cared for someone whom I loved.

"We lost things which we treasure the most."

we want to save it from the world. and that person just left you. when you want to hold them. and when you hold them it's like a heart holding a blade tightly. it's dark now I need to find him. 

oh..there you are...

I set down because I saw him, I saw him and he saw me!there is he up, up in the sky. 

half moon. like someone took his half part! he looks lonely and lost. "did you ever fall in love? you look like me. sad! alone.

maybe you also lost someone. Someone or something so precious. a piece of you in the darkness. to find them, you have to lose yourself in the dark or be the darkness."

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