Day 2
Day 2

Dear diary,
Today was the perfect definition of a day that passes before you realize. I did not notice when the day ended, which was probably because I had nothing to do. Today, however, I decided to catch upon with my academics, because all of my relatives are trying to explain me that I should utilize this time and study. So, I got up, got ready and had breakfast, the usual. Then I wrote a poem which will soon be uploaded here. Then, I watched TV for some time and then I read a book. I got to know today that I will be having online classes from school teachers from tomorrow onwards. So I got to know what all subjects and topics will be taught and so, I decided to just read and have an idea what it is about so that tomorrow’s class can be productive. I love it when I am organized, I feel so sorted in life, LOL. So, by the time I was done with all this, it was nearly lunch time. So I had my lunch with mom and TV. Then I decided to nap for half an hour.
That is where the mistake was made. I always keep forgetting how much of a sleepy head I am. So I had decided to sleep for half an hour and I had even set an alarm in my mobile phone but somehow, I have no idea how, ended up sleeping for four hours, and it was six by the time I woke up. But no matter how much I regret sleeping in the afternoon, now I’m thankful because my day was spent and I had less time to get bored. Now, because I had overslept in the afternoon, I had a lot of time before I slept in for the night. So, I did something productive (I think it is
productive). I called up all my friends whom I had lost touch with over time and I spoke to them. It felt so good! I seriously don’t know why I didn’t do this earlier. I never get time to speak to people over the phone normally, but right now I have plenty of free time. So this whole thing was over by the time it was tem at night. So, then I decided to go for a walk with my mom.
Apparently she thinks that if we don’t take good care of ourselves, we will all inflate up like balloons by the end of these 21 days because we have no real physical activity to do. So, we covered our faces with masks, put hand sanitizers in our pockets and then we left the house. I felt like we were going for some sort of a war. Anyways, we walked for about forty-five minutes and came back by eleven at night. Now, I binge watched some old you tube videos that people had uploaded before the lockdown. They all looked so happy in those videos. I think we have been taking our freedom for granted. Just like we have been the supreme species and we have been overpowering the animals. Now we know what the must be feeling like when we impose our likings on them.
And I think that most of us have learned our lesson. We have finally understood what big importance our freedom to do things holds in our life. Anyways, right now it is very important for us that we stay at home and break the cycle of this virus and save ourselves. After watching youtube, I have been writing this blog and now I think I am finally feeling sleepy. So I better get some sleep! Good night!