Day 1
Day 1

Dear diary,
Today was so boring that I was even looking forward to meal time. That was perhaps one of the most exciting thing I have done all done. You must be wondering what about my TV and mobile. But let me tell you, once you are to watch TV all day, and you have nothing else to do, you will not feel like watching it. Moreover, I have watched most of the movies and series on my amazon and Netflix handle. I feel like dancing and singing, attending my classes, going to school. This lockdown has made me realize how much of an extrovert I am. I woke up fine, quite excited that I’ll get to send one whole day at home with all the gadgets at my service. I got ready and had my breakfast .and then, the day took the boring turn. I told mom that I was getting bored, and the reply was a suggestion to start studying for the next session. But I am in full mood to take these 21 days as my vacation –from-home (if that is even a thing).
So I kept roaming around in the house aimlessly with earphones plugged in my ears and absolutely nothing to do. I tried reading a novel but as soon as I took out one from my shelf, I felt like writing one myself. So I tried writing a novel. It went smooth at first. I was successful in writing half a page, but soon after that, my hands started aching thanks to the fact that I haven’t written anything since my exams ended which was about a month ago. So I thought of what else I could I opened my phone and decided to binge on some Youtube, but all I could find there was videos where people were telling what all I could do in quarantine. OH IRONY. So I opened my Whatsapp to reply to Whatsapp texts which I never do normally. I saw people had put paintings in their status and that they were using this time to dig deep into their lost passion and blah blah. So, I started painting. And I cannot explain how much of a disaster that keep reading to know what happened. I decided to paint something, anything, and then I started looking for my painting brushes. And hence, 4 hours of the day were spent in looking for the brushes. Finally, as soon as I found my brushes, my mom came into my room to call me for lunch and when she saw what a mess of my room I had made, there was no coming back, and she scolded me for another one hour. Which reminded her that I could utilize these vacations
to clean up all of my room, which I haven’t done for the past 5-6 years I guess. And the last time I cleaned it was when our schools were shut for a week due to earthquake. So, you can imagine how much I hate cleaning up. But I had no choice, I had to do it I had lunch and I sat down to clean my room. Although I don’t enjoy cleaning up, today was pretty amusing. I’ve never gotten any time lately to think about myself. But cleaning the room, I found so many cards I got, so man I gave, so many old photos, old answer sheets with bad marks which I had hidden from my mother, and many more things. It was nearly dinner time when I finished cleaning up and was I proud of myself? Of course, never been happier. I had neatly stacked all my old photos and cards and paintings in a corner and that was the best part of my room. Mom was also very amused that I did it, though she didn’t let her face show it, else I’d get overconfident. Never mind. So, I spent the remaining day on TV watching people tell how humongous this coronavirus is. Then I had my dinner and I went to bed. That is when the real struggle started. Since I hadn’t done much work today, I didn’t feel tired or sleepy. Usually, to deal with this kind of insomnia, I always watch a movie or read a book, but that was already off my list, so I had to listen to songs till I fell asleep. Then I had barely slept when some jerk rode their bike so fast in the driveway that I woke up. And now, I had absolutely no intentions of sleeping. So, I decided to write this day down and tell you. dear diary, what a hilarious day I’ve had. In the beginning of this writing I told you that this day was very bring. But now, when I thought about it all over again, I felt that maybe it wasn’t so bad afterall.. Staying at home is bad if you don’t engage yourself in stuff. But I had been super duper busy so I don’t feel bad. You too, should look forward to spending time with your family in these days. Call those friends whom you lost touch with over time, paint, draw, write, sing, dance, do anything but please don’t go out. It’s the only way you can keep yourself, your family and people around you safe. You’re a hero, each one of you, if you manage to protect yourself and your family from this disease. Stay safe! And now that I am finally feeling my eyes getting heavy, I better get some sleep.