Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats

Romance Inspirational Others


Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats

Romance Inspirational Others

Dating In Today's World

Dating In Today's World

3 mins

Dating in today's world 

So if you know or follow me you know that I took off the last year from dating. It became too exhausting, to have to do my hair and makeup, pick out an outfit, and go on yet another horrible date. It became too overwhelming to me and so I stopped. 

But I really would like to find my forever person so I sucked it up and decided to try again. 

The first date after this year's hiatus was the guy who decided to send me a dick video. Yes, hello! Welcome back to the dating cesspool! 

Then there was the guy who clearly posted his pictures from 20 years ago and proceeded to tell me he's not all there. Thanks for the heads up, man. 

But I am not going to let a few bad apples get me down, I had a year off to regroup so I'm ready for this or so I thought. 

So recently after a few phone calls I agreed to meet up with this man from a dating site. This guy picks a place to meet. It was a dive bar, not just a dive bar but a nasty dive bar, but I rolled with it. He shows up and he doesn't look like his pictures, he was definitely a lot thinner in them. Look I'm not shaming anyone but seriously post what you look like now. Not 30 pounds ago or 30 years ago. Eventually, you will meet in person and hello! They will not be meeting the person they saw online so let's all be real here.

I let that go as well, putting my best foot forward and trying to see the best on this date. Now I could have done an “instant date” tha

t is going on in the dating world today. That is where you see the person or place and say dates over. But I could never be so cruel and you never know this could be the love of your life, and you just walked away, so I rolled with it as well. We got into the bar and there were TVs all over the place and all of them were playing sports. He sits down and starts watching sports. So I started to ask him questions, where are you from? What do you like to do in your free time, trying to engage him? All I got is one-word answers. So I even tried to talk about sports and the Tyson fight, but still one-word answers. After an hour of basically talking to myself, I had enough. This date is over. 

The following morning he texts me “Good morning beautiful”

What? Did I miss something? So I replied “You didn't seem interested at all last night. You hardly spoke to me and now it's like we had a wonderful date. Were you not on the same date as me? Good luck with your search”

What do they say about 1st impressions? Yeah, ignoring someone on the first date, is definitely not a good impression. I just don't understand why dating is so hard these days and I'm still shaking my head.

So today my friends, I'm here to tell you that you're not alone out here in this dating cesspool. This is happening to so many people. And this is why so many people are choosing to be single. 

This, my friends, is dating in today's world.

“Be the change you want to see”


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