Mouna M

Drama Tragedy Inspirational


Mouna M

Drama Tragedy Inspirational

Corona Diaries 13 - Bear Hug

Corona Diaries 13 - Bear Hug

3 mins


How I used to miss my mom, he said to himself. His mom was the one who used to hug Harry from the time he was born and until recent years when he got married. Well, Harry, used to love his mom's bear hugs... It used to comfort him like anything else. Irrespective of the situation, good or bad, Harry used to hug his mom everyday, but that seemed to be missing as soon as he got married. Whether his mom used to miss Harry hugging her or not, our Harry always used to miss his mom's bear hug. But since the time, he got relocated, he got so busy with both his professional and personal life, that he sufficed it with his wife's, not so bear kind of hugs. 

There were at times, when he would miss his mom and wife both at the same time, when his wife would doze off on the couch watching TV, he would try and wake her up just for a bear hug, but it was difficult to make her understand in the sleepy state, that he would sleep all alone on the bed, struggling to sleep, thinking about the sweet talks and hugs, which his mom used to pamper him with. All he wanted was a bear hug, nothing more, nothing less, which his wife failed to understand. Sometimes, his hugs were mistaken by her to sex, which was not at all what our Harry was up to. Poor Harry!! would do anything for a hug, had to satisfy himself with his wife's bare hugs. Soon, his kids were born, who used to compensate his mom's hugs for Harry, but that were bare hugs. Harry never gave it a thought until he met his mom the other day, when she gave him a passionate Bear hug, probably lasting for more than the usual time, which made Harry realize that it was not only him who used to miss this bear hug, but also his mom. He felt real bad and helpless about the situation and decided to take his mom to his place, which was blatantly refused by his mom.

Harry left his mom's place with a heavy heart. Somehow, he was not able to get that bear hug from anyone, no not even his wife, who at least used to hug him before, but after the kids were born, poor thing, our Harry had to bear hug his children in order not to miss it. Soon, the kids started going to college and the wife got busy with her household chores leaving behind our retired Harry with no job. Harry felt lonely all the more with his mother's sad demise due to the pandemic Covid, which did not even allow him to see her once, leave aside hug her one last time with a bear hug!!.

Harry somehow made up his mind, and went to the hospital where her dead body was kept, bribed the morgue personnel, went to hug his mom, one last time. Just a bear hug, Harry hugged her one last time, with tears all over, soaking his T-shirt with her mom's fragrance, which was an unbearable sight to watch!!! The morgue personnel signalled him that it was time, and Harry had to leave his mom's dead body. He asked Harry to sanitize himself and to take bath after reaching home for the fear of Covid. As soon as he left, the mortgage's personnel walked towards Harry's mom's dead body to cover it and was shocked to see the face that was peaceful now, which was dreadful to look at before dying, he felt relieved, at least one person was peaceful in her death.

Harry had to somehow manage without his mom and her bear hug now......A humble request for all the people out there to go and hug someone you love, because it's right now not later. A hug can be a bear hug or a bare hug, but it does work wonders to those who need it the most, give it, it does not cost you your life!!!

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