Phane Ahd

Inspirational Others


Phane Ahd

Inspirational Others

Choice - The Invisible Power

Choice - The Invisible Power

4 mins

Life is beautiful, when I say life it does not only mean the day to day activities we carry on, by life I mean the world around us, the shining sun, singing birds, blooming flowers, the mountains, ocean, and so on. And likewise us, we humans have the richest and superior form of life among all other living creatures. Yet not satisfied, not knowing how to handle it, not knowing why we exist. Think back to everything that you gained and lost in life, so many memories and moments to cherish and the same amount of regrets and sufferings. But we always had a choice to change the way things were, even if things are forced upon us. People can only force you once, from the second time it becomes your choice whether to accept or oppose. Decisions are hard to make when there are so many things at stake, that is a curse as well as a blessing to humans, we always have the power to make choices and change ourselves and the things around us.

People have problems caused by them, due to their own known or unknown actions. If it is caused by you then you can survive it. If you cannot then you can find a way to move on by making adjustments of sacrifices, if suffering is what you do not want.

Imagine a bird in a cage: in the initial days, it will try hard to breakout. Eventually, after knowing that it’s getting fed and its necessities are met, it will adjust to the atmosphere until the perfect opportunity to escape arrives. It’s about survival, and to survive you need food & shelter, all the other things are not a need but want, and those are influenced and advertised by other people who are also trying to satisfy their needs and wants.

Why does a bird stay in a cage? Cause it gets fed without doing any work or it has not yet figured out a way to break out. It has a choice to fight and breakout, refuse food until it’s free, or be a good pet and wait until it’s get fed.

Yes, most of our desires which are influenced by society, language, religion, color, wealth, etc.. are met by denying somebody else’s choices or needs of basic life, either an animal or another human.

Once you identify the difference between your needs & wants and prioritize it according to your lifestyle, surroundings, and the situations you are put into, then choosing between needs & wants will not be much complicated. A bird cannot tell us how it feels, even if it is telling us we may not understand it. But you and I have a voice that is understood by people like us, around us.

As long as you see sunlight every morning you can assure yourself a bright day, if the clouds are dark then step back and enjoy the rain. We have a choice whether to get wet or to watch it dry out, but we cannot stop the rain. Certain aspects of life are not in our control, some things are lost forever, some things stay the same forever. But we have a choice whether to regret the loss or move forward with what we have.

Life is different for many, but there will be a million other people who have the same or similar troubles as you & I have, some face it, some run away from it, some just give up. Either way, we are “choosing” how we address the issue. Anyhow, if you cannot identify what is important and what is not and worry about everything and everyone around you, that is real suffering.

Yet the choice is ours and “that is an invisible power” we have, most of the time we don’t realize it. What happened yesterday, what’s happening today, what’s going to happen tomorrow are all the causes of choices that we made consciously or subconsciously in that moment of happiness or hate. If everybody understands that nothing is more important than surviving day to day life by appreciating the life around us, by respecting and helping each other to survive and meet their needs, then that choice can change humanity forever.

Agree, accept, ignore, reject, regret, move-on, start-over…

It’s your choice, choose wisely.!

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