Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats



Francesca Villardi Treadmill Treats


Moving on from our past

Moving on from our past

3 mins

Moving on from our past 

So on the 20th of last month, it would have been 28 years since I would have been married. Now I don't normally think of things like this but lovely Facebook decided it was necessary to inform me on my remember when's. Hell, I even forgot to post this blog on the right month.

But I am happy that it reminds me. I need to remember how I got there, how I didn't listen to my intuition and let my ego rule my brain. I knew I shouldn't have married him, there were so many red flags up until that point. But I was young and had an ego.

I had moved to Florida from New York, sold my business, rented my home out, and given my dog away to be with this man. How was I gonna go home and say "Oops wrong guy, I made a huge mistake"

No, my ego would never allow me to do that.

I told myself he loved me, and he's doing this because of how much he loves me. I gave up friends he didn't like, my life as I knew it to try to make him "happy" but as I learned later, it will never be enough when you're not happy with yourself.

This day reminds me that I always need to listen to myself, that I can never let love overrule the warning signs. It also reminds me that back t

hen, I was a complete person. I was an independent woman long before I met him and through a long hard road back, I am that person again. It taught me that this writing is my purpose, to be able to keep telling others this message as well. 

This blog allows me to share my screw-ups so that hopefully others won't have to share my pain. That I will be able to show you the warning signs and that you'll avoid my pitfalls. I write because someone out there may be in that same situation and doesn't feel like they can do it on their own but I am here to tell them you can! If I can, you can, as I am no different. 

So today my friends remember that these are all lessons that we must learn. You should wear your failures like a badge of honor because they have taught you valuable lessons on what not to do the next time. And to Facebook, it's okay, you can keep reminding me of my remember when's because even if it brings up painful memories it also shows me how far I've come and how much I've grown.

It gives me strength knowing what I have overcome and how I can do anything, just like you can. Because we all can move on from our pasts.

"Be the change you want to see"


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