Subhadeep Bandyopadhyay



Subhadeep Bandyopadhyay


Blue Waters Green Heavens

Blue Waters Green Heavens

4 mins

Dear Blog Readers,

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you all to my blog and at the same time would like to thank you wholeheartedly for your valuable time and interest.

While creating and maintaining a blog,opens you to the novel world of self-expression, it also burdens you with the responsibility to double check each and every pearl of creativity that emerge out of your intellect and experience because in today’s world almost everything is subject to scrutiny and is subjudice.Not only that each and every writing piece whatever be the standards of expression, in which it is set do definitely have an impact on the psyche of society.So,"LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP”, may definitely sound logical but at the same time the essence of realization and impression shouldn’t be lost in the due process.

So, keeping this in mind and keeping all other stories aside, I am trying to weave a subtle conversation, as my first creative ventural obligation based on the title of my blog:"BLUE WATERS GREEN Heavens”. Hope it serves the needs of both Imagination and Justice. And so it begins.......



"Blue Waters Green Skies”, have you seen anywhere?"

"Yes I always see, yes always!"

"Always!, How can I believe you?, You are condemned and so shall be I if I do the favor of trusting you."

"Just make yourself understand that you have the habit of doing uncanny things and pardon yourself for an extra dose of imagination, may be just once!"

"For you being a rebel is easy, for me it is breaking one barrier at a time, each time anything breaks, I also get torn within and blown a bit."

"Who wants to be a rebel without a reason? Anyways you will always have the choice of returning to your own waters and skies if you don’t like this journey, a chance forlorn for me at any point of time!"

"But I have grown old, my knee jerks at the thought of walking a mile."

"You don’t have to!"

"Really! Then how?"

"You just have to die the death of a condemned."

"What do you mean?, I will die your death and you will free yourself, Is it?"

"I can’t free myself, I’m always the prisoner of my imagination."

"It surprises me to think that t

he thought of freedom never came to your imaginative mind!"

"You are right! It came but not in a stable form, everytime it came with questions and more questions and the bondage of imagination seemed to be a tinge of salvation at that point."

"But what is so uncommon between Blue waters, Green skies. Waters can turn blue at the reflection of the skies and skies can be green too if the trees touch the skies, isn’t it?"

“Ha are also taking the refuge of imagination, because as per ordinary senses both cannot happen together."

"Ok...ok can't win your words, how much I have to wait?"

"Not much or maybe a lifelong....I cannot bring my death, just see if the guards are on the way!"

"I cannot because I am made of marble and my eyes are neatly covered."

"I can understand your limitation, dont fret, be with me and feel my death, hear my cries of pain as my life oozes out, visualize my eternal struggle till it comes to an end."

"Then what?"

"Then you have to follow me."

"You mean justice should follow the condemned!"

"I didn’t set the condition, you did, and I remain the convict because I tried to take justice from the safe havens of reality to the realms of imagination."

"What if I do not follow you?"

"Nothing, you will still follow the tradition of the times...delayed justice"

"Is justice only for one?"

"But one is also part of everyone!"

"Because all destinies are interlinked. You mean to say?"

"Yes and No"

"What do you mean?"

"Not all today your and my destinies are interlinked."

"What about tomorrow?"

"No life!"

"I can hear the guards coming!"

"See the skies now...can you see the waters?"

"Yes, your penance has turned the skies green and my tears have turned the waters blue"

"Long live your imagination justice, I will miss you!"

"And so will I!"


Hope and pray that the above piece of writing does capture your interest.

With a vow to see you soon!

Yours truly

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