Always Indian
Always Indian

Every day I feel proud to be an Indian. I've learned to be patient, decent, not hostile, loving & caring here only. The personality that I developed here & is liked by many was developed on this soil. So why should I feel proud to be an Indian on a particular day? It has to be every single day of my life.
But I remember the day that I was coming back from Potsdam ( Germany) to India after a two months stay. Dr. Andreas Hollander had come to see us off at the airport. Now, this was not cons
idered to be a common practice in Germany that any German would drop you off miles away at the airport & that too in the early hours of the morning. But he insisted that he would pick us up from our house at 4 a.m.& take us to Berlin airport. When we were departing, he shook hands with us & said, " Remember that there are good people like you not only in your country but in this part of the world as well. " I think this compliment made me feel overwhelmed & extremely proud of my country.