Aparna Nandan

Children Stories


Aparna Nandan

Children Stories



5 mins

Dadi calls her Sonepari. 

'What does Sonepari mean Dadi? ' Aashvi would ask as a two-year-old & Dadi answered that she appears just like an angel, having golden wings, who has arrived on earth to do a multiple of golden tasks. Aashvi believed in whatever her Dadi told about her & would always feel proud. 

She's 22 now. Tall & slender, long black hair, beautiful & expressive eyes. Highly emotional from inside yet very tough outwardly. Extremely responsible, dominant & down to earth. Abundant energy & utmost care for any job undertaken. As if Goddess Durga has showered her choicest blessings on her. Otherwise, who can think that a medico, who wants to specialize in cardiology can be a meticulous dancer? Not only these people wait for her regular piano concerts & nobody can be swifter than her in a basketball court. 

Her Dadi doted on her. There would never be a day when they wouldn't talk. Aashvi remembers phone & video calls to her Dadi & all the meaningless chats they used to have since she was 5 years old. Those days Dadi's stories appeared more interesting to her than anything else in the world. Of course, now the talk revolves more around her friends & other activities involving her, keeping an account of Dadi's health & medicines & various do (s)& don't(s) related to her daily life. Many times Aashvi feels that she has now become her Dadi's dadi . She has to listen to all her complaints, force her not to get involved in too much physical work, coax her to eat the right food & have enough rest at the proper time & ask her to stop worrying about anything & everything. 

'You've to drink water for proper digestion,' would be her advice and she would recall how dadi used to pester her to drink water when she was a small child. 

But now she would love talking about her dance & piano compositions to Dadi. And discussions on movies could go on for the whole night between the twosome. Such compatibility was an example! 

 Each one in the family admires & adores her. Dadu cannot sleep unless he watches one of her recorded basketball matches. Chachu & Chachi have to praise her dance performances every single day. Dinner cannot begin in their house without the replay of Aashvi's dance performances. 

Nishka cannot do a thing until Aashvi Didi gives the green signal. 

And our dear Aashvi handles everything with the utmost ease. She keeps an account of each & every need of all the family members. As a small child, she would make it a point to see that everyone meets up on duo during the weekend. She always remembered everyone's birthdays & anniversaries & never has forgotten to wish them even once. She has grown up to be the most responsible person one can think of. 

Dadi always admires her straight talks & logical arguments. She always talks about how Aashvi would earnestly try to change her to a vegetarian when she was just 6 years old & had finally succeeded. She would give a very scientific reason to Chachu for having his daily bath when she was in class 4 & chachu started having a bath twice a day. 


Chachu remembers how naughty she was as a child. Giving a nice slap on Nishka's cheek whenever she was annoyed, teasing her to be the drama queen of the family, forcing her to do her Maths properly by giving all types of remarks in her notebook as her imaginative teacher used to be joyous moments for the family. How watchful she used to be to see that her parents are not watching her before making those funny faces to tease baby Nishka! Their long arguments & crying would give strong headaches to both parents. 

 And now she is the perfect guardian of Nishka. 

' Nishka do these steps in a better manner. ' And there goes Nishka improving on her dance steps! 

'Aashvi Didi, can you please help me with my assignment? ' And Aashvi never fails to find time for helping her in the most innovative manner. Such a bond they have! 

 Dadi has observed that Nidhi should be given all credits for shaping Aashvi into a wonderful personality. 

Nidhi was different right from the beginning. A brilliant student, capable of taking up a well-paid job was not her ambition Her home & children were always her priorities. She couldn't think of leaving her children in a daycare. As such Aashvi & Nishka were brought up very carefully & meticulously under her guidance. Right from proper nutrition to proper time, she handled everything efficiently. As such Aashvi could be such a disciplined child who could manage everything at the same time. She happens to be the true inspiration for Aashvi. 

'Mom, I've emergency duty in the ICU. Could you please pack a roti paneer for my dinner? '

'Here you go,' replied Mom placing the wrapped food in her bag. 

'Will pick you up tomorrow morning so that you can have some rest as you've your basketball practice in the evening.' Mom reminded. 

'Yup! ' 

And Aashvi is there at the basketball court the next evening. 

'My costumes for my dance performance isn't ready. ' Aashvi reminded. 

And Nidhi would keep them on her bed before her arrival. 

Aashvi's piano practice time, playtime, dance & study time were well managed by Nidhi right from the beginning. 

And the result is here... Our wonderchild Aashvi, admired by one & all. 

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