Adventures in Disneyland-5
Adventures in Disneyland-5

1. Jessica
After becoming evil and all, Jessica was really stunned and angry at herself, but Joshua was here to make her happy. They were talking now, at Jessica's home, and she was very happy because Joshua was joining Lakewood Academy from tomorrow!
'That was such a good surprise!' Jessica exclaimed.
He just smiled, his blue eyes twinkling with happiness.
The doorbell rang.
'I'll get it.' Jessica said, as she opened the door. Standing there was Claudia, Adeline's best friend. Jessica was surprised, because there was a big rivalry between Claudia and her.
Claudia just smirked, handed her a letter and strutted away. Jessica ripped open the letter with curiosity.
Dear Jessica,
Leave Joshua alone or else I would have to hurt you.
With lots of hatred,
Jessica put the letter back in the envelope and sat down.
'Who was it?' He asked.
'Nothing. Letter from a friend.' She lied.
He raised an eyebrow, and then glanced at his wristwatch. 'I gotta go now.'
'Will see you tomorrow at Lakewood.' She said.
Jessica slumped on the couch and read the letter again. Had Joshua and Adeline had a connection?
For now, she decided to ignore it.
Next day at school...
Jessica hurried to her locker after the basketball practice, and in the hurry, she bumped into Joshua.
'Hey!' He said.
'Hi!' She said. 'How is the first day going on?'
'Being the new boy is hard.' He said. 'But it's all ok.'
'Gotta scoot, I am running late.' She said. 'Will talk to you later. Bye!'
Outside the class, she spotted Adeline.
'You recieved my letter, didn't you?' She said coldly. 'And you still have the nerve to talk to him?'
'I can, and I will talk to whoever I want to.' Jessica jeered. 'Bye.'
*time skip*
Jessica and Joshua were walking home together today.
'Do you and Adeline have a connection?' Jessica asked uncertainly.
He hesitated. 'She was in my school when I was 13. She used to have a......'
'Yes?' Jessica asked.
'She used to have a huge crush on me.' He said.
'Oh.' She mused. 'Figures.'
'But why are you asking me?' He asked.
'She is.... um... threatening me.'
She pulled out the letter and gave it to him.
'Why didn't you tell me yesterday?' He asked, reading it.
'Because you are, uh, a little overprotective.' She said.
'I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me!' He argued.
She stopped. They were standing on a lonely street, and no one was there.
'This ain't my way home.' She said.
'But I am sure we took the right turn.' He said. 'How did we land here?'
Suddenly, Joshua pushed her aside.
'Ouch!' He moaned.
Standing there was Adeline. She was going to attack Jessica with some kind of red coloured light which shot out of her wand, but he had pushed her aside.
She ran towards him. He was lying there, motionless.
'What did you do?' She shouted.
'Well, I had to attack you.' She said. 'He came in between.'
She vanished.
Jessica didn't know what to do. She had never felt so helpless before. She called Miley and Hazel.
She ran her hand through his hair. 'Why do you always need to do this, huh?'
Miley and Hazel came there, running.
'What happened?' They asked.
'Adeline.' Jessica answered.
'Come on.' Miley urged. 'Let's take him home.'
The blue portal opened.
'To Disneyland?' Hazel asked.
'No.' Miley said. 'Our home.'
They walked in the portal, and helped Joshua lie down on the sofa.
'Do you think it's serious?' Jessica asked.
'No.' Miley said. 'He'll be okay.'
'But why is Adeline doing this?' Hazel wondered.
'I have no idea.' Jessica admitted.
Then something struck her.
'No, no, no!' She said. 'The thing in her hand- it wasn't a wand, it was the staff. She is the queen.'
She showed her the letter.
Miley gasped. 'Did you show him this letter?'
'Yes.' Jessica said.
'You shouldn't have!' Miley said. 'Smell the perfume? Its a love spell.'
Jessica's jaw dropped open. Literally.
'What can I do to stop it?' Jessica asked, clearly worried.
'Don't worry.' Miley reassured. 'Your love is strong, and nothing will happen with a bit of perfume.'
'I hope so.' Hazel said chimed in.
2. Joshua
Joshua had a very weird dream.
He was holding hands with Jessica, but then Adeline came there.
'Hello, Prince Charming.' She flirted.
Prince Charming? GAH!!??
Then she stared daggers at Jessica, and she turned into a squirrel.
He opened his eyes. He was safe, at home, on his sofa.
'You okay?' Jessica asked, helping him up.
He hugged her. 'You are not a squirrel!'
'Excuse me?'
He blushed. 'I had a dream......not a dream, a nightmare.'
'You didn't have to take the attack.' She scolded. 'She wanted to attack me.'
'Well, when your shoulder was hurt and I had scolded you, you said, 'you could have done the same if you were in my place.''
She rolled her eyes, but in a playful way.
'Now, don't let this freak you out,' Jessica said, 'but you are under a love spell.'
'But I am already in love.' He teased.
'Adeline has put you in a love spell.' Jessica said.
'Don't worry, nothing will happen.' He reassured.
'Exactly.' Miley agreed. 'I am telling Jessica that only.'
'She has threatened you.' Joshua said. 'You gotta be safe, in front of my eyes.'
'Our eyes.' Hazel corrected.
'The most important thing is that Adeline is the queen now.' Jessica said. 'We have to go to Disneyland.'
'Ya.' Hazel agreed.
The portal opened, and they stepped in.
The first thing they saw was darkness, and when they could see more clearly, they saw Adeline sitting on a throne.
3. Author P.O.V
Adeline had a crown on her head, the staff in her hand. She was meant to be the evil queen.
She got up and met Joshua's eyes.
'Sugar pie?' She said, in her sweetest voice.
He started walking towards her, as if in a trance. He was the victim of the love spell.
Jessica held his hand. 'Joshua, look here.' She said, coming in front of him and blocking his eye contact with Adeline.
'I can't let you become a victim of the love spell.' She croaked.
He stood still, but did not say anything.
'Joshua!' She patted on his cheek.
'Oh no!' Miley cried.
'Joshua!' Jessica tried again.
He blinked. 'Jess!'
'We have to break the spell.' Jessica insisted.
'Yes.' He agreed.
They leaned in.
Everyone was confused and surprised, because it wasn't the right time to do it. Hazel and Miley seemed to understand what they were trying to do. They were trying to break the spell by showing how much they love each other, and it was driving Adeline crazy. She stared at them angrily, her fists clenched. Her grip tightened around her staff.
After they took off, Joshua tried looking at Adeline. The only thing he felt about her was hatred.
'We did it!'
'Arrghhhhh!' Adeline shouted angrily, and banged her staff on the floor.
The chandelier above them burst, and they quickly ran away.
'Everyone okay?' Hazel called out.
'Yes.' They said, getting to their feet.
Adeline pointed her staff towards Jessica, which lifted her in the air and bought her closer to Adeline.
Joshua, Hazel and Miley tried running behind her, but they were stopped by some kind of force. 'Huh?'
Jessica was struggling to get a foothold, but couldn't get one. And now Adeline was nearly choking her.
'Everything happened because of you.' Adeline said. 'How about you die slowly and painfully? Yeah, that would be nice.'
Jessica managed to raise her hand. Water came out of it and hit Adeline's face, but it wasn't strong enough.
She laughed like a witch.
Suddenly, plants sprouted at Adeline's foot.
Air hit her face.
Her staff fell down, and with that Jessica too fell down. Joshua caught her just in time.
'Oh, you all have powers.' Adeline sneered. 'Not bad.'
Jessica coughed, breathing heavily.
Joshua balled his fists. 'What do you want?'
'You all are slowing down my plans.' Adeline snickered. 'But it will be more fun troubling you than killing you directly.'
She banged her staff again, and they were back in the grasslands. Jessica could still feel the tight grip around her neck, though it wasn't there.
'Here we go again.' Hazel complained.
Jessica sat down and drank water. Joshua kneeled in front of her.
'Are you feeling okay?' He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
'Yeah, kind of.' She said.
Hazel and Miley were continuously smirking at them. They rolled their eyes at the same moment.
'You both are impossible.' Joshua said.
'We both ain't lovesick.' Hazel teased.
They continued walking further, not knowing what to do.
Suddenly, Hazel stopped and closed her eyes for a moment.
'Ruby, Jade, Emerald!' She said.
'Um.... what?' Miley asked.
'Adeline wants the Ruby, Jade and Emerald.' Hazel said. 'My powers are telling me.'
'Look out for Ruby, Jade and Emerald.' Joshua said.
'They can be names of people too.' Jessica muttered.
4. Jessica
They reached the river bank, Jessica's favourite place. Hazel and Miley were strolling at the other side. Jessica stood there, the hill supporting her back. The wind tickled her face.
Joshua came in front of her. 'I wanted to say thanks.'
'For what?' She asked.
'For breaking the love spell.' He said.
'Have you ever fell for a beautiful girl?' Jessica asked, just to tease him.
'Yes.' He said. 'I fell for you.'
She raised an eyebrow.
'Guys, come here!' Hazel shouted, breaking their moment.
They ran to her side. Standing there was the same spider that had attacked them before. And on its forehead was.....
'Ruby!' Jessica said.
'It could be.' Joshua agreed, his gaze fixed on the beautiful diamond.
'How do we get it?' Hazel asked.
Miley raised her hands, and thick plant veins grew around the spider's legs.
'It wouldn't hold for long!' She shouted. 'Go, get the Ruby.'
Joshua levitated in the air, using his power, and climbed on the spider's back. The spider made some kind of angry sound as he took out the Ruby, and came back.
When they were running, Joshua asked, 'Hazel you sure about this diamond thing?'
'Yes!' She said.
After running a lot, they reached to a beach and stopped there, gasping for breath.
'I never came across a beach here.' Jessica said between pants.
'There can be anything here.' Miley said.
'Guys......' Hazel said, surprised and frightened.
Sailing there, was a big ship, and coming towards them were pirates. A girl with wavy blue hair and funny clothes, and a boy with a pirate hat and a hook. There were other crew members too, on the ship.
Jessica gulped as the pirates came closer.
'I am Uriel, captain of the Pirates of Ursula and Queen Adeline.' The girl said. 'Give me the Ruby.'
'No.' All of them said firmly.
The boy went near Joshua and kept his hooked hand on his shoulder. 'Listen to Uriel. Give us the Ruby.'
'NO.' He said.
Out of the corner of her eye, Jessica could see Hazel's grip tightening around the Ruby.
The boy quickly went behind Joshua and placed a dagger, inches away from his neck.
'He is hostage.' Uriel snickered. 'I know you have water powers. Come and give the Ruby, or else the poor boy would be dead meat.'
Jessica wanted to shout, scream, say something, but words were stuck in her throat. She watched desperately as the pirates pushed Joshua on their ship.
5. Joshua
Joshua was tied to a pillar, while the pirates were doing a party. He was left alone.
'The pirates were stupid to leave me alone.' He muttered, as his hand slid in his pocket. After a lot of struggling, he was able to cut the rope and free himself. He went near the deck. Jessica was there, and it was so cool seeing her walk on the water. Joshua knew that if he would jump in the water, Jessica could handle the matter. Just as he was ready to jump, there was a tap on his shoulder. Uriel was standing there.
'Not so fast, honey bun.' She said.
Joshua pushed her with all his might, and jumped in the water.
He almost thought that he was going to die, when two hands slid on his shoulders. He slowly opened his eyes.
'Can you breathe now?' Jessica asked. Their faces were inches away.
'Y-yes.' He stammered. Her face seemed to glow in the water.
'Let's get away from the ship and wait until it goes away.' Jessica said. They swam away from the ship.
'Hey can we waltz?' He asked.
'Well, we can.' She said. 'But in this situation?'
'Plheaaase.' He pleaded. 'It's been decades since we waltzed. And it would be fun to do it underwater.'
It took a while to convince her, but finally she said yes. They waltzed so gracefully, even the fishes started circling around them. It was a beautiful sight.
'It was fun.' Jessica said, after they stopped.
'I told you!' He said.
Then he closed his eyes, as they inched closer.
'Are you guys in there?' Hazel and Miley were shouting at the top of their voice. Jessica got away, and Joshua groaned.
'What?' She said. 'They must be worried!'
She swam upwards, and Joshua reluctantly followed her.
'We're safe.' Jessica said, walking towards them.
6. Author P.O.V
The ship is gone.' Hazel said. 'What were you guys....
Suddenly, a slimy arm grabbed Jessica by the waist.
'Ursula!' Jessica shouted. 'Let go!'
The ship appeared there from nowhere, and Ursula threw her on the ship. Uriel and her crew was there, too.
'This girl had cut my arm once.' Ursu
la hissed, as she grabbed Joshua, Hazel and Miley and threw them on the ship.
Jessica got up and was going to punch Uriel, but the pirates hurriedly caught all of them.
'Queen Adeline is going to be soo happy.' Uriel said dreamily. 'Take them to the dungeons!'
The pirates pushed them in jails and went away, happily singing songs.
The four of them were in the same jail.
'Try controlling the water.' Miley suggested.
Jessica closed her eyes, trying to control the water, but it wouldn't listen.
'Ursula is stronger than me.' She said, gritting her teeth. 'Can't control water until she is here.'
'I think I got this.' Hazel said. She concentrated on the lock, and the jail door swung open.
'It's spy time.' Joshua said, as they crept in the room from where the voices were coming.
Adeline was standing there, with her usual smirk, staff and crown.
'Good work, Uriel.'
'Thankyou, my queen.' Uriel said. She kneeled down and held the ruby in one hand.
Jessica, Joshua, Hazel and Miley shared quick looks. They knew what to do.
Joshua went and snatched the ruby from Uriel's hand. Hazel and Miley tackled Uriel, while Jessica stopped Adeline from attacking Joshua.
Before Adeline could raise her staff and choke her again, Jessica gathered her power, and a huge wave of water smacked Adeline in the face. Ursula was gone, so Jessica could use her powers again.
'Your choking the neck idea has gone too far.' Jessica snickered.
Miley opened the portal, and all of them stepped in. Before stepping in, Jessica could hear Adeline banging her staff. She had cursed one of them, but Jessica knew that it was probably her.
She closed her eyes, because she could hear voices. Someone put an arm around her, probably Joshua.
She could see herself with mom and dad on a hill. The grass was soft, and Jessica was lying down on the grass, staring at the beautiful blue sky. The scent of flowers and food filled the air.
'Mom, will I be able to fly someday?' The eight year old Jessica asked innocently.
'Yes, you will.' Her mom said. 'Right up in the sky, high in the clouds.'
'You want your life back, don't you?' Adeline's voice echoed. 'You want your mom and dad.'
'Stop showing me dreams.' Jessica said.
'It's not a dream.' Adeline said in a soothing voice. 'It can come true, if you leave your friends and let me rest in peace.'
The scent of flowers got stronger. Jessica was falling for it. She really wanted to live with her parents.
'Noo.' She wailed.
Then she thought about Hazel, Miley and Joshua- they had supported her soo much. She couldn't leave them.
'I don't want your offer.' Jessica said firmly.
Adeline laughed. 'Of course you want it. You will get whatever you want......
'LET ME GO.' Jessica jeered.
She felt something around her. Joshua's arm. It was working. She was coming back to the present.
'Huh.' Adeline said, laughing again.
Jessica opened her eyes.
'Are you okay?' Hazel, Miley and Joshua asked at the same time.
'Yeah.' Jessica said. 'Everything okay', though her eyes teared up.
'You like to play hide and seek, don't you?' Joshua jeered.
She sighed. 'Fine. I'll tell. Adeline was making fake offers.'
'Oh.' Miley mused.
After a moment of silence, Hazel asked, 'So where do we get the Jade now?'
'The sirens have the Jade.' A voice said.
They looked back. No one was there.
'Did you hear that?' Joshua asked.
'Yeah.' Jessica said.
'Someone said that the Jade is with the sirens.' Miley agreed.
'But who?' Hazel wondered.
'Maybe the princesses are guiding us.' Miley guessed.
'Those heavy make up girls can do that!?' Jessica said.
'Yeah, they can.' Hazel said angrily. 'They will do it only when they need us.'
'Next stop, to the sirens.' Joshua said grimly.
'They live underwater right?' Hazel asked.
'Yeah.' Miley answered. 'They are mermaids who live underwater. But they can put you in a spell when they sing. So we need to cover our ears.'
'We have to go back to the beach.' Joshua said.
*time skip*
They reached to the beach again.
'Jess, will you be able to make 3 people breathe underwater?' Joshua asked.
'I can.' Jessica said, though she was not sure.
7. Joshua
They dived underwater.
'Whoa, I can breathe.' Hazel muttered. 'This is amazing.'
'Where are the sirens?' Jessica asked.
'Follow me.' Miley said, swimming forward, and they all followed her.
After a while, they reached a city with a big underwater castle. Many mermaids were swimming here and there, and some stopped and glared at them.
'Um.... excuse me?' Miley asked nervously to one of the mermaids. 'Can we see queen Halia?'
'Sure, follow me.' She said.
'Remember to cover your ears when they start singing.' Hazel whispered.
They swam in the magnificent castle. It was very beautiful, decorated with pearls and corals. Sitting on a throne was a beautiful mermaid with long blonde hair, with many flowers in it. She had a bright green tail.
'I suppose you are here for the Jade?' She asked in a voice as sweet as honey.
'Yes.' Jessica said firmly. 'How can we get it?'
'It's simple.' Queen Halia said. 'I want him.' She pointed a finger at Joshua.
'What the....!!??'
'He is not an object to trade!' Miley argued.
'Fools.' Halia muttered. 'I meant, I want to dance with him.'
'A trap!' Hazel whispered urgently. 'While dancing, they would be close and she will sing a song!'
They huddled together.
'I will manage.' Joshua gulped.
'NO WAY!' Jessica shouted.
'It will be okay, I promise.' Joshua said.
'Are you out of your mind!?' Hazel said.
'You are not.....'
'We accept it, Queen Halia.' Joshua said firmly.
As quick as a killer shark, Halia swam towards him.
'I love putting boys under spells.' She whispered in his ear.
'Wait, no... Jessica was saying, but the music started.... Halia and Joshua started to waltz. She placed her mouth close to his ear and started singing softly. He found himself falling under her spell. His eyes started to feel heavy.
But just then, he saw Jessica looking at him with teary eyes. He locked eyes with her- and suddenly his mind felt clear!
Queen Halia stopped, surprised that she wasn't able to put the boy under a spell.
'Fine.' She said angrily. 'Have it then.'
She handed him the Jade.
'Here's a lesson for you, Queen.' Hazel said. 'Love conquers all.'
They swam upwards.
'That was close.' Joshua said. 'And do you know, Miles....
He looked around for his sister, but she wasn't there.
Everyone panicked.
'She was here just a second ago!' Jessica said.
'Miles?' Joshua called out.
'She's here!' A voice said.
They looked back to see Uriel there. On her ship was Miley- her hands tied, and she was on a plank, Uriel ready to push her. Joshua wasn't afraid, he was gonna tell Uriel to push his sister down, because they could breathe underwater. But, down there were killer sharks. He felt very angry, seeing his sister in a do or die situation. He gritted his teeth.
'How dare you.....
Jessica held his arm. 'Chill. Let's go on the ship.'
They climbed on the ship.
'Welcome!' The boy said.
'Gimme the diamonds, or she is gone.' Uriel snickered.
Joshua opened his mouth to speak, but words didn't come out. So, Uriel continued:
'You need some motivation? Just look at her face and ask yourself how long do you think I'll remain patient. I'll throw her overboard and let her swim with killer sharks. You either hand over the diamonds or she'll be ripped apart.' Uriel let out a laugh.
'You leave her alone!' Jessica shouted.
'Give me the diamonds. Ruby and Jade.' Uriel said.
Joshua reached for the diamonds.
'Wait!' Hazel said.
'Yeah, wait.' Jessica agreed. 'There's gotta be a better way.'
'See?' Uriel said. 'She doesn't care for your sister.'
'Wait, I didn't mean......
'STOP IT!' Joshua shouted. 'Both of you.'
Joshua tossed her the diamonds.
'Take 'em.' He huffed. 'I don't want anyone getting hurt because of diamonds. Destroy this world. I just don't care!'
Uriel untied Miley and let her go.
'Why did you.....
Joshua didn't want to hear anything. He opened the portal and stepped in.
8. Author P.O.V
Hazel, Miley and Jessica followed him. They were in Miley's house, in Disneyland.
'You didn't have to do it!' Miley said. 'We had earned the diamonds.'
'I am sick of protecting the world, Miles.' He said. 'Especially when someone I love is always captured. Why me? Why us? There can be other protectors too, right? We ain't robots!'
'This is your last year of protecting.....
'I have been doing this since I was 10.' Joshua cut her off. 'I want to enjoy my life, not fight monsters! 5 years I have kept quiet, but now I am opening up. I am tired of pretending!'
He ran upstairs in the balcony, fighting back tears.
'Fine, don't do it.' Miley huffed and went in her room.
'I'll talk to him, you talk to her.' Jessica said, but Hazel stopped her.
'We will talk to them.' She assured. 'But I think we should give them some time.'
'You're right.' Jessica agreed. She slumped on the couch. She felt soo tired, she had to keep her eyes from drooping. Who knew making 4 people breathe underwater will use up all her energy!?
After a while, Jessica crept upstairs. Joshua was standing there, gazing at the stars. Jessica could make out that he was crying- his shoulders were shaking, and she could hear him sniffing.
She kept her hand on his shoulder.
'I ruined everything, didn't I?' He said.
'No, you didn't.' She said. 'You only need to understand that people are taking advantage of your weakness. And that should not happen.'
He didn't say anything, so she continued.
'You are afraid that you might hurt people if you tell them how you really feel. Your sister didn't know that you don't like doing adventures. If you had just told her, then she wouldn't have forced you. She wasn't forcing you now, either. And one more thing- you can't see your loved ones troubled. You panic, get angry. Just like I said, you can be a little overprotective. Adeline's taking advantage of that.'
'You're right.' He agreed.
'What are you waiting for now!?' She urged. 'Go, talk to her.'
Jessica sighed. She was very tired now. After a while, she went towards her room. Just a few steps, she told herself. But everything seemed as if it was spinning.
Joshua came there, and supported her. 'Are you okay?'
'Hmm.....' She managed.
'Come on, I'll take you to your room.'
9. Joshua
Next morning.....
Joshua walked downstairs, in the dining hall.
'You okay?' He asked Jessica.
'Yeah.' She replied.
'Morning.' Hazel greeted. 'Have some pancakes. And we are discussing how to get the diamonds back.'
'What about the Jade?' He asked, sitting down.
'Adeline has it.' Miley answered. 'I am not sure, but she probably has it.'
'So.... how do we get it back?' Jessica asked.
'We can go in Adeline's castle.' Hazel said, her mouth full.
Jessica gave her an irritated look. 'Chew your food, Hazel.'
'Okay, momma.' Hazel teased.
'So, we go in her castle and take the diamonds.' Jessica said. 'We have to hurry.'
'Yes.' Miley agreed. 'Any suggestions, J?'
'No.' Joshua said. 'This all happened because of me.'
'We talked about it last night.' Jessica reminded him. 'Forget it.'
*time skip*
They hurriedly ran to the place where the castle was. They were surprised to see all the princesses waiting there for them.
'What are you doing here?' Jessica asked angrily. Joshua knew that she hated the princesses.
'It's all our war.' Mulan said. 'We are here to help you.'
'You came very late.' Jessica muttered under her breath.
10. Author P.O.V
They were all surprised, cuz there were no guards. They crept upstairs.
'Oooh, I am so scared.' Aurora said. 'I hope there is some prince up there.'
'Sssh!' Jessica hissed angrily.
'Welcome!' Adeline said. She had the diamonds, and was doing something with her powers, because the diamonds were in air. 'Long live Evil!' She cheered. 'Finally, I can bring Maleficent back.'
'Hold hands and use all your powers.' Tiana whispered.
Everyone held hands, except Jessica.
'I know you don't like us.' Jasmine said. 'But we have to do it. Together.'
She reluctantly held her hand.
They all closed their eyes, and a very powerful aura surrounded them.
'No!' Adeline screamed.
They opened their eyes. They were in the grasslands. The castle was gone, and Adeline was lying there unconscious.
'What happened to her?' Joshua asked.
'She will forget all of this.' Belle said.
Adeline disappeared.
'So, are we done?' Hazel asked eagerly. 'Is this the end?'
'Yes.' Snow White said.
'Yess!' Jessica cheered.
Everyone stared at her.
'Sorry.' She said, blushing.
'You all have supported us a lot.' Pocahontas said. 'We have gifts for you.'
She handed an album to Jessica.
Jessica saw the photos inside. There were photos of her with Joshua, every special moment they had shared.
'Cute!' She exclaimed. 'Thanks.'
'Every time you share a happy moment, photos will keep adding to the album.' Rapunzel explained.
'And for both of you,' Mulan said to Joshua and Miley, 'in the place of your old apartment, this big house of disneyland will be there.'
They thanked her.
'This is for you.' Moana said, giving Hazel a small box. 'Whenever you wish, food will come out of it.'
'Gee, thanks!' Hazel said.
They all went in the real world, all happy and tired.