Hrishabh Tiwari

Abstract Drama Others


Hrishabh Tiwari

Abstract Drama Others

Address The Elephant In The Room!

Address The Elephant In The Room!

3 mins

It all starts with you believing who you are and what you actually want to portray. The first duty of you as individuals should be to yourself. To not lie to yourself is the first step towards building an honest relationship. There are a lot of people who struggle to fight the agony aunt inside them. Charity begins at home so the first step towards building a healthy relationship is with yourself. Acceptance of your personality, individuality is the beginning. To see your own flaws and to know your merit is where it proceeds. Awareness about your thoughts and admitting to them is the next.

Now comes the part that is apart from us i.e. Relations with others. We all are aware of the fact that no relationship can last if there is no trust or if the stepping stone is based on false beliefs but what happens is, people, don't want to face the wrath sometimes so they avoid talking about that topic which could drift them apart. Usually in these toxic relations, one inadvertently becomes a master and the other a slave. To avoid conflict they start to accept this fact of not being perfect. The conversations dry up because one will always be drowned in the guilt of what if they something, this might go away. This also violates your relation with yourself by not accepting that not all the decisions you take are correct or no action of yours can lead you into trouble. And this comes with nonacceptance.

#seedhi_ baat is the need not only of this hour when relations are breaking like glass but is also very important to have a good and worthy experience. We as children sometimes are not given the right to have an opinion that gets seated deep down and then comes out in the ugliest way possible. The reason being, we weren't given the chance to communicate. A lot of children can't relate to their parents because of thi

s barrier. Generation gap can be accommodated to today's diaspora but not everybody is willing to have conversations which can put them in awkward or sometimes awful situations but people forget that every single relation needs the time to proliferate and it does so throughout life. You need to nurture every one of them and not take even one for granted. Perfection comes with doing mistakes. Even if a conversation is awkward or unpretentious, the bigger picture will help you only and make you a more confident person and fill meaningful, trustworthy, and honest people in life.

The fear of somebody getting away if you say so and so .....will only make you feel helpless. If this is your fear then the relation is already shallow and there is no point in dragging. The other person might not leave you today but tomorrow they surely will. There is no person who can just collect and collect the baggage of emotions and never vomit. The breaking point will be the ugliest. 

"You should not try to own a relation, rather try managing it! "

We do get a lot of people through inheritance but you need to nurture them as well and without honesty, compassion, and love it isn't possible.

People from both sides should initiate and not be afraid of the changes. But one should always remember, " It's not about what you say, it's about how you say!" Be honest but not blunt until asked for. And one should definitely be proud of doing it. Not only it is good for your sake so that you don't carry a burden of somebody else's emotions but also to the person who is living unaware of the fact that a relation is an interaction of " two people" and they are equally responsible as you to solidify that. Be it a mother-daughter, father-son, teacher-student, friend- friend,husband-wife, etc relation.

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