A Wait That Was Worth Of Love.
A Wait That Was Worth Of Love.

It was 2 years since we both had met and started speaking, I had started loving him silently and waiting for him to express as I knew he also did. Then one day, he expressed and we started new life together. As I missed my father's love, I was expecting the love which gives me secured feeling. I was bold and took my own decisions until I met him. Then when he started to change my decisions, initially I was so happy that I had some one to take care of me and change my decision. But later when the decisions lead me out of my wish & passion, I started feeling dominated. But I did not express anything at that moment. Later when It was unbearable, I started telling him, But he was unresponsive because he was habituated that I obey him. I compromised on my interests, friends, passion and finally family.
I sacrificed everything only for him and for his love. I really questioned myself, whether I should sacrifice everything
and follow his love. Though I could not answer myself, I went ahead and married him after 7 years since we had met. Initially there was no difference for before and after marriage, I took almost an year to realize that I was even married. Later he started to change. He started understanding me, started giving respect to my feelings, encouraged me to perceive my passion. supported me than his family. At that moment I felt, it was worth of my sacrifices. I realized very early and started loving him more.
Now that I know the love behind his decisions, I respect his decisions and he understands and responds to my feelings. Though he is inexpressive and I express feelings in abundance, we live happily for each other.
The day when he expressed his love was not the day, the day when we married was not the day, but the day when I understood his love is the day I knew I am in love, the day when I knew I am with true love.