A Bittersweet Love Story

A Bittersweet Love Story

2 mins

Sanya asked to forgive her, but Aman said 'No'. Sanya asked for his forgiveness, again and again, but Aman was determined, they would break up their four years long relationship. Sanya asked him the reason, but Aman never said the actual reason to her. He only avoided her, and when asked, only replied, "It's over, Sanya." With tears in her eyes, Sanya left, silently.

For the world, their love story was an unfinished tale, but only they knew, the endnote was a bittersweet symphony. The story was not over yet, it was still waiting for the next chapter.

Seven years later, one day, Aman was preparing for his office. Suddenly, the calling bell sounded with hope. He opened the door, it was a delivery boy, with a box wrapped with red paper. He said, "A gift for you, Sir". Aman smiled and received the gift. The boy left.

Closing the door, he came to his bedroom, and sat on his bed. He felt a smell, from the box, that was very familiar to him, some years ago. Once, he was used to with that smell for the whole day. His heart pumped with a secret hope, and a flourished joy sprinkled in his eyes.

Slowly, he opened the box and brought the gift out. It was a book, with a beautiful gorgeous cover, and titled 'The Bittersweet Love Story'. He became surprised to see the name of the author below, Sanya!

Yes, it was Sanya Mehra, whom he was trying to forget for five years. But, never could. Aman turned the first page of the book. He found there, Sanya dedicated her first novel book, to the love of her life. She wrote there, "I dedicate this book to the word, Love. For this is the word which I still have to learn."

Aman became nostalgic reading this. He realized, how rude it was to leave Sanya saying that he was getting distracted by her idiotic talks while studying. Aman left Sanya for his career, but Sanya, who always wanted to be a writer by heart and soul, had dedicated her first work to her love. Aman turned the last page, where it was written that "I am still waiting for you, stupid. Come soon, I am dying to see you."

Aman knew it was written for him only. He closed the book and called someone. While the author was waiting to receive that call, the book was smiling on the bedside table.

And a new chapter was waiting to begin. The story is not over yet, it's still writing the next chapter.

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