Zukeber, The Brave
Zukeber, The Brave
Zukeber was a valiant, brave and righteous king,
Who ruled a tiny island named Tic Toc Tea......
Zukeber learnt all the martial arts,
And equipped himself with unprecedented powers .........
He learnt the skills of horse riding, archery and sword fighting,
Those only added to his incredible powers...
Zukeber was not just brave,
He was also kind and pure with unwavering faith......
Zukeber doted his subjects,
He happily fulfilled all that they desired..
Zukeber's kingdom was a tiny island named Tic Toc Tea,
That was surrounded by the tumultuous sea.....
The subjects of Tic Toc Tea lived peacefully,
Blessed as the kingdom was with divine powers..........
Wizards and Oz of different forms and shapes,
Guarded the borders of the Empire...
And Lo as the tidal waves change,
The mighty kingdom of Tic Toc Tea was attacked by Slaves. ............
Zukeber had to save the kingdom,
To save the pride of his land was the need of the hour.........
Zukeber scanned holy books,
To break all the evil powers...............
Only if a studded crest buried deep within the sea,
Was gently opened to release a bee,
Would the land of Tic Toc Tea be freed from the bondage of slavery...................
Zukeber mounted his big white horse,
Gently galloped across the land of Tic Toc Tea,
And reached the midst of the dreaded sea
He gradually unlocked the treasure crest,
And effortlessly released the bee ............
As the bee was destroyed,
The slaves cried a huge sigh,
They tossed and turned around,
Until they finally died ...............
The subjects of Tic Toc Tea resumed their smiles,
The fast-emerging peril was finally destroyed...................
Peace, Love, and Harmony prevailed,
Zukeber ruled Tic Toc Tea for several thousand years since then
*****End of Poem*******************