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Long ago, in a village, there lived two friends. One was Aarvi, 10 years old and Arnav,15 years old. Long ago, in a village, there lived two friends. One was Aarvi, 10 years old and...
One day mother asked his son Bikash, where he wanted to go in that get up. Bikash retorted his mothe... One day mother asked his son Bikash, where he wanted to go in that get up. Bikas...
Rupa was a cheerful girl. She might have had many dreams. Rupa was a cheerful girl. She might have had many dreams.
Even if she was young the marriage made a difference in her life. Even if she was young the marriage made a difference in her life.
After that, both of them left the place holding each other’s waists. After that, both of them left the place holding each other’s waists.