Abstract Drama Others



Abstract Drama Others

Witch of Winter

Witch of Winter

1 min

There in the swirling snow

That drifts through the air

Curving and whipping around the forest first

Dancing in the howling winds of winter embrace.

Her dark dress was edged with the warm fur of the wolves

Protecting her pale delicate skin from the kiss of the bitter wind

Her corset glitters with silver threads

Showing every curve of an elegant figure.

Her hair is as white as the snow that falls

Yet also, wild as the wind, as free of the spirit of air

But her eyes of lilac are ever-haunting.

For this is the witch of winter

Her voice a whisper through the harsh howls

Her prayer of hope, a plea for freedom.

Please I beg you, leave my soul,

Let me watch the fall of snow, leave me be

Protect me from the bitter winds icy kiss

For my soul is not yet ready to ride the winds

I'm not yet ready to join the whispers of my sister witches.

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