Ruchika Verma

Abstract Romance Fantasy


Ruchika Verma

Abstract Romance Fantasy

While Dreaming

While Dreaming

1 min

I dreamt of you whilst

Writing about the river,

It was calm but raging;

All that you make me feel

I dreamt of you when I

Started describing a mountain peak,

It was cold and white;

All that you are to me

I dreamt of you when I

Thought of the dessert,

so hot yet dry;

Like the desire I fail to understand

I dreamt of you when I 

Went to the beach, 

As the sea lured me back and forth;

Like the way you touch me and then let go

I dreamt of you everytime,

I enter many terrains and it always lure me to sleep;

But I make sure to open my eyes every time I leave,

You're after all nothing but a sweet dream;

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