When The Moon Kisses The Ocean
When The Moon Kisses The Ocean

The night look so bright and colorful,
With thousand shades of the moon alone.
The darkness is no more and never it will,
Hide from me the moon that shone.
The wind blew hard and cold all night,
The wings of bird are closed so tight.
The flowers in the pond are shivering a bit,
The glassy flame of the moon isn't stopping yet.
The night grew darker and the nature became quite,
Only the moon and I were awake all night.
Though far in the sky the moon gave all its light,
Its alone in the sky and I've seen myself in it.
It feels like heaven to watch the beautiful scene,
When the moon kisses the b
eautiful ocean.
It lasted for a moment but was a heavenly one,
Like waiting since ages and wonder how it happen.
One side the beauty sets so soon
On the other the reality comes as boon
The moon sets now and will rise somewhere
The rising sun shows where we are
For a while we find our-self so alone
We keep mourning for things we never own
The fight between the mind and heart goes
They never remain friends and die as foes
Wake up my friend and find the real you
Leave your pain and build passion in you
Things which are gone are never for us
The destiny has a more beautiful world for us..