What would you Do?

What would you Do?

1 min

What would you do?

If your road divides in two,

and the darkness shows no mercy!

What would you do?

If your life breaks in two,

and you are forced to make a choice!

What would you do?

If choosing will tear you,

into infinite pieces of yourself!

What would you do?

If you are dying inside,

and there is no one to tell you

that it’ll be okay.

What would you do?

When your journey is unclear,

and you doubt every step you take!

when time is slipping away,

and you’re already behind in race,

when the past has wounded you enough,

and the fu

ture seems to be a threatening place!

What would you do? 

When even in this storm and night,

a little lamp keeps fighting inside you!

What would you do?

If you don’t trust anything anymore,

but somehow hope still seems to be true!

What would you do?

When everything you loved is gone,

but the memory of a loved one,

keeps making you strong!

What would you do?

If there is darkness all around you,

But the light inside you is brighter!


I gave a sigh,

and took a step,

I chose a path,

because life moves on,

and so will you...

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