What Lies Beyond
What Lies Beyond

He stands at the coast
Soothing his feet in the cold water
While reckoning the vastness of the blue
Hoping someday he'd swim it through.
What lies between him and the waves
Is no one but him
Something that enslaved him before
He fights it at dawn but gives up at the shore.
He looks at the waves and hears them repeat
We moisten your feet and call you to meet
The chaos of the sea which daunts you and me
But we fight the surf's tremendous silence within
Its bolt and storms in which we swam and sank
Making our way to me
et the bank
Sometimes whole and sometimes in ripples.
Yet we feel whole and free
Not from turmoil or unpredictability of the sea
But from the fight in us, we remain unperturbed
Neither scared of dissolution dubiety or the defeat
So brother rise
And rise you must
From where you are taking the leap
For its not the sea that haunts you...
The fear that whispers in your ear
Has to disappear
It has chained you for a long time
Its time to taste liberation that comes beyond fear
For fear is man's greatest imprisonment