શૈમી ઓઝા "લફ્ઝ"

Inspirational Others


શૈમી ઓઝા "લફ્ઝ"

Inspirational Others

Voting Awareness...

Voting Awareness...

1 min

Voting Awareness...

 Today the drums are beating all around, let us quickly fill the cloak...

 O voter...let's not waste this opportunity...O voter,

 Voters rejoice,

 The leaders begged and begged

 Come dance to the door, dance to the DJ, the echoes of the DJ fell on the dharni... O voters...

 Let us remain the builders... Let's show the strength of our vote... O voters..

 Be a bit hasty dear...if an enthusiastic voter doesn't miss the opportunity inadvertently,

 just be aware

 All the people will roll up their sleeves and tighten the collar...

 Hear not sleepless promises, nor covet breakfast, nor look upon kindly faces,

 The temptation will be h

eavy, people, be careful, welcome this opportunity with joy...

 Our one vote is gold, don't waste it, let's be careful.

 We are the strength of the young generation of the country, let's tie this knot in our mind so that it doesn't come loose, we are the future of India, let's try to make the country from developing to developed...

 Don't fall into false alarm...

 O voters, don't waste this opportunity to vote...

 Let us celebrate the occasion of election with a precious vote,

 Let's lead the country on the path of progress, bring the right government... O voters...

 Let's celebrate the occasion of election together with all the countrymen.

 Shaimi Oza "Luffz" Mehsana

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