Pearl Ann Palathinkal

Abstract Inspirational Others


Pearl Ann Palathinkal

Abstract Inspirational Others

Vision - INDIA

Vision - INDIA

2 mins


He ciphered the palisade to security,

His gate of gallantry paved the way to our carte blanche,

He bequeathed his life to his multitude,

He is the WARRIOR who fought for our lives!!!

He is the quintessence of passion and intellectual lucidity,

His gate of sacrifice paved the way to our revanche,

Ne'er did he try to elude,

He is the COMBATANT who fought for our lives!!!

Finally we are emancipated, young citizens,

But why? A feeling of trepidation throngs a girl who steps out at dusk?

She fears even the most harmless zephyr,

Shadows of strangers beset her,

She is badgered to go against her will,

And trudged to death being brutally murdered,

Newspapers flood the news of woe and misfortune,

When, she was to be uplifted to the top of the world,

Into all the euphoric a

nd victorious moments,

People turn their back to such mishappenings,

Innocent lives are quelled every year,

Even before they show the first signs of life,

A mother suffers end to end,

After all, who are we to extirpate a life,

For each one has their own vouchsafed blessing,

Children toil day in and day out,

On morass or maybe sometimes on the edifice,

Their childhood is parched with no cheer,

After all, who are we to lay hold of a child's life,

For they are to be set unimpeded to explore all the worldly possessions,

Being emancipated young citizens,

We are still fettered,

Do we not have a cessation to these?

Think about it!!! Are we untrammeled?

It's high time we created a nostrum for the better,

Fight them all off their roots by better precepts of comeuppance,

And live in the essence of the word FREEDOM.

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