Aadityaamlan Panda

Tragedy Classics Thriller


Aadityaamlan Panda

Tragedy Classics Thriller

Vans Of Vindication

Vans Of Vindication

1 min

I soared across the ether of discord,

Spanning over the realm of despair;

My vans art sapped, jaded and tired,

I canst fathom my hour to retire.

Brutally ensanguined by the pain of disdain

I reckon, I canst no longer endure.

Cervi get ensnared in the sly claws,

Ruthlessly devoured by Canes’ canines;

Feles abscond the scourge of jaws,

To perish in the dearth of caseins.

And I the Columba, the harbinger of peace,

Once the luminary of solidarity;

Today, an exasperated vagabond for justice,

Encountering no asylum of amity.

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