Those Brown eyes, And those Bob hairs; Those Little lies, And those Little cares! Those Brown eyes, And those Bob hairs; Those Little lies, And those Lit...
I can't hide, Rising in the breath of LOVE, Falling for that white_dove. Hailing I can't hide, Rising in the breath of LOVE, Falling for that white_...
Walk down the road, Let words provoke her the soul. Walk down the road, Let words provoke her the soul.
The poem shows the difference between crow and dove. The poem shows the difference between crow and dove.
Who would make me feel, Flying in the sky; Who would propose me, Not through email; But with mail... Who would make me feel, Flying in the sky; Who would propose me, Not through e...
Ripped apart in the name of love, Alas! I was the only one left, Left in that perfect lover's... Ripped apart in the name of love, Alas! I was the only one left, Left in ...