Two Men Were Lost in a Jungle
Two Men Were Lost in a Jungle
Two men were lost in a jungle.
And no one,
bothered to ask of them
in the village or home
or places elsewhere- where they had
often frequented.
They just disappeared,
with no trace.
There were no rumors
that took place
behind their backs,
like, the oldies saying,
“The Tiger must have eaten them,”
or the aunties, gossiping,
“They must have starved to death.”
“Oh! Poor they, God knows in what state they would be.”
Neither the village Chanakyas,
who were extra vigilant and
sheer detectives
comment anything,
nor did their children ask
“Where were they?”
It seemed, as if,
it was a conspiracy;
which, it wasn’t, though.
Even, their wives were happy
and not bothered,
nor worried
they seemed to be
simply unaware
and relaxed.
For the days they had been missing,
there were no night-fights heard,
no abuses,
no utensils clattering,
nor, children sobbing,
or villagers coming to complain.
Things were somehow in order, and,
in peace,
and everyone’s fingers were crossed!