Time Travel
Time Travel

They say that fear of death is the greatest fear of all
Everything finally has to add up to the fear of death
I think we fear time
Our fight is against the clocks
Seconds are wasting away as I'm writing this
We think we're stationary and everything around us is moving
But we move along with it
Can't define time. But we quantify it
We write about it
We grant ourselves the privilege of wasting it
Maybe we are all just hourglasses, stuck in a sandstorm
There's almost nothing that time can't fix
What's broken will mend, and what mends will break again
How do we account for the past?
What do we expect from the future, while stuck in an infinite present?
It all melts away
Isn't it weirdly fascinating that we are merely cells,
And we are able to imagine dimensions and otherworldly possibilities?
We tell stories of beasts that once lived, visit ancient ruins, and museums
What can we learn from this?
What mistakes should we avoid making, and for what? To live a little longer?
The infinite present is the loneliest
There is a rock revolving around a ball of gas
The rock rotates on its own axis. Almost done
The stars are coming out. I had a bad day at work
It was a weird month. This year has been surreal
Make resolutions again. Break rules and break bones
Break the clock, but time won't stop. Can still hear the tick-tock.