Thoughts In Silence
Thoughts In Silence

Where this road will take me I do not know,
Yet I walk with my eyes closed,
But something inside me sees all things,
It hears and it feels,
But it stays silent and still,
Immersed in its own exuberant beauty,
Safe and joy, it makes me feel.
Where will this journey lead me,
I do not know,
But the story that I am becoming,
Will not be forgotten easily,
For millions of coming years,
For I can fall without shame.
Where is the destination,
I do not know,
But I am aware enou
gh to see,
That death is just a beginning,
To a different form to be,
For "energy can neither be formed,
Nor be destroyed",
But it's just a thought of mine.
I wonder who am I?
More than my name,
That I know,
The answers I claim,
But from the outside world,
I must seek inside now.
The reality is different for you and me,
For we believe the best lies we see,
But like the drop of water that stays still,
And takes the form of what it feels,
That is what I want to be.