This Is You!
This Is You!

I love you,
That's not hard for me to say,
Its not a prediction, or a reflection, it just is
a motion in my heart's ocean
An ocean named Odyssey
A color called True For You,
I don't want to hide that from you like sparkle from a jewel,
hiding love is a difficult game
An invisible flame starving for the fame of your name,
And sometimes love can get lost in the playing fields,
Though, I cannot say that I cannot live this life without you,
But, I can say that my life will be much better if I live with you.
I have become old, restless a
nd completely tired, passing through the difficult journey of this life…
Now, only wish is to take rest under the cool shadow of your spirit.
Your love has made me calm and free,
Yes, free, because there is no show off to impress you.
I love the way you are and want to be loved by you the way I am.
When I go somewhere, I miss you a lot,
And consider that, this didn’t the part of my life.
You have tolerated me and my shortcomings,
You have tolerated me and my idiosyncrasies,
You have tolerated me and my mistakes.
You are the pillar and support in my life.