Gagan Pathre



Gagan Pathre


There's No Long Way Home

There's No Long Way Home

1 min

The biggest things that raise our fear 

Are only made for us to tears

And don't you feel smaller than the few

The waves will try to shadow you

Winds again will be followed too.

But why don't escape the past

Readout what says the paperbacks

Imagine like it but it's not like that

You should be afraid of your past.

Well, everywhere is love and war

Money changes through the shores

And if you ever feel that you're alone

Then there's no long way to home.

It is okay to cry fatter tears

And screaming out all and how do you feel

Just pull the break and set your back

Because it's the wrath of life that has no end.

Well, everything isn't play and pause

People don't wear buttons on their claws

And if you can't feel the skin above your bone

Then there's no long way to home.

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