The Smile
The Smile

Mesmeric illusions take its toll on those
Who spend their lives in hope and despair
Riddled with scarcely credible incidents,
One following the other
All to the advantage of the sly and smart
Who seemed to know everything
And wielded schemes in the garb of hope
And promise, lapped up by the underdogs
Who continued to wag their tails
,Despite the treatment they underwent
And a thought that a huge bank balance and
A cozy luxury would make one happy
And yet a hearty smile or a peaceful sleep
Looked like a luxury beyond one's reach.
Until I turned the corner to my enviable villa,
To find to my amaze, a solitary beggar sitting
Sprawled next to the dustbin, with a sinless smile, unalloyed,
A smile you seldom come across, except when one is in utter tranquility.
And I wondered.