The Open Doors
The Open Doors
Well, I'm a teen.
But not so mean.
Whoa, I stare at the world
And wonder when would peace be called!
I wake up every morning
And sleep every night mourning.
'Cause why, why couldn't I make a change?
A change to the people who are chained by a grudge.
I'm here, Nature, I'm here.
You've to hear.
In front of the closed doors, I stand,
Peeping through the windows of the house called 'PEACE'.
I see millions here, dreaming of getting in the way I am.
Oh! That sight shook me of the naked truth
That the doors to the 'World Peace' can't stay closed forever.
There are people who have a heart and, I guess,
It gave me faith.
Oh my darlings, you can change.
You can change the happenings of the world.
Oh! Mother Nature, listen, I need the key
The key to the house
The house of peace
The peace of the world.
One day I was drinking tea,
Resting my legs on my favourite pillow.
Oh! This is indeed my comfort zone.
But now, my world, should I push you into your comfort zone?
And then, I found a pen.
Yes, with her lover, th
e paper.
I wrote.
I wrote about all that I knew.
I asked.
I enquired.
I clarified.
I wrote, my siblings, I wrote.
I wrote to nature, the ultimate lover.
And I waited with hope.
Then the day came. The day of my dreams.
Nature replied.
The letter was filled with something magical.
Her words uttered the immense peace.
"Dear, I am your key.
But the house belongs to thee"
I sat up at nights
letting her words run through my mind.
I could now open the house
For the world.
The house where we're could live without tears and fears.
Where smile rules.
Where hugs have taken over the knives.
Where a woman is free of man's crave and rage.
All I had to do was make my people understand.
Understand the need to take bliss in nature.
To love her.
And then, they'll be blessed by her, of whom we're all apart.
No blacks.No whites.
No men.No women.
No murders.No rapes.
Only Peace.
The peace gifted to my world by my mother,
Your mother,
Our mother,