The Eerie Scribblings
The Eerie Scribblings
Like a sudden bolt from the hidden blue!
My events turned up, driving me to troublesome glee.
Hearty Heavens! I generously faced some noisy battles,
Draining my breath, to get off someway over the cloudy hills.
I saddened, as I was once denied, to bug out for a big fun tour;
But now I relaxed, hearing the kindest yes in my mommy's voice.
Yet certainly, I regret being missed for a fairy tale;
When my dad's ever softy voice never sail to fail.
I still longed trying to bridge the farthest gap,
Between none but me and my mother's lap.
Yet, My friends were all done for the exciting trip,
Adding their soulful fuel to my perplexed state.
At last, I chose to chase the eight ecstatic days
Fairly dreaming I can glance away from my parents' faces.
The moment arrived, to play it on my own,
Only convincing my comrades beside, and not alone.
Just then, Out of nowhere, like a thunderstorm;
I felt a roaring spark on my trembling eyes,
Just waking from bed in the broad daylight.
All I realized, that was lying with me,
Were the eerie scribblings on my travel diary.