The Cycle
The Cycle

They used to live there for as long as I was old
In a small tattered shed which they called home.
It was just one whom they loved a lot
Trusted, cared and for whom they thought.
There they grew a seed into a tree
As he grew so did the tree.
The tree grew tall and spread itself
Giving them shelter from rain and heat as well.
But that for whom they cared grew up
With branches constricted with leaves untouched.
There he went never seen again
In good times nor ever in their pain.
The tree stayed there now giving fruit
As if saying I won't go anywhere, as I have deep root.
They got old, could not walk
But only had the tree to talk.
The tree got old but then again there were new leaves and fruits,
The old now coming to an end
Would have again a beginning
Which would be fresh as new.