Chandrima Ghosh

Abstract Romance Classics


Chandrima Ghosh

Abstract Romance Classics



1 min

I love the sea-

in all its forms of gloom and glee

Its transition from turmoil to tranquility

I love:

The salty smell of the air, 

And the dampness in my hair.

The spray of water against the rock,

The azure-coloured sky above.

Screams of gulls overhead,

And seashells hidden in the sandy bed.

The sea is full of mysteries,

hiding beneath its surface-

Wealth and untold stories.

The waves, flooding the shore

With each round, bring more tales to explore.

When I face the sea-

the vast blue expanse of waters,

All my fears flee.

A thousand reasons cannot hide

the call of the running tide

that has flooded my soul

Where drumming and thundering waves roll.

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