Protima Mondol



Protima Mondol


Storms Are Never Desirable

Storms Are Never Desirable

1 min

Waves crash on both sides,

Can't see each other.

Only storms blow sand,

And the memories are ruined.

I remember, he was afraid of the storm.

Here I think, all in one run,

Spread yourself, match, and match.

The people of Epar think, he is afraid of the storm.

Silently sighing over each other's way.

I live so far, how did I get so far?

The storm that was raging, the two were supposed to fight together.

But ther

e was a fight, a storm.

Bookies cut on pillows at night still tell that story.

The story of love, the story of being good.

The last word remains only, becoming a story of not being able to keep well.

The mind says, give a storm, give a storm more.

Absolutely fix the mess.

Give it rain, wash it off.

Cry, which once grips the two,

Just once, crying Nick thinks of himself.

Let the storm subside, in the storm of this chest.

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