Soon New Year Again...
Soon New Year Again...

Memories holding their breath,
Until the grudges put on their weigh,
Out there from the window round there...
Thinking out loud all gonna be new around, True?
Guess No, it seems to be a new remake of all Blue.
Hidden kisses of the blue are making me flew,
Cuz new year again is gonna make new me, a Gain.
We hold bad, blue, grey that we flew all day...
I wish to erase those but there is no eraser for those,
Cuz they are staying up all in our mind but seems like they wanna play You and I...
Soon New Year Again let's bring up some Red...
Lemme hold on you and make a new round, around you...
Wanna give it a Try? Then let's grab out something that is never gonna make you and I forget those o
r make them right...
Cuz pretty's on the inside and they'll be tricked if they lost it again,
The monsters giving us the déjà vu's which felt so wasted that's why bet to think it again...
Cuz soon the DayDream is gonna end and its gonna disappear suddenly, therefore imma here...
I know, you know it's gonna break our heart so just leave it for now and dance to this cuz it's Perfectly Fine, it's over...
Let's have an eve with all the views,
Cuz soon there'll be a Happy New...
Again, forget it all and feel for you...
Let it be vivid,
Cuz we are everyone and everyone is we, so let's forget all the bad and hold the good until the next.
Just Purple Yourself cuz Soon New Year Again... Heaven knows it so well.