Somewhere Or Nowhere?

Somewhere Or Nowhere?

2 mins

In the crowd of swiftly pacing puppets,

Where each one seemed head-to-head,

In a race that was maybe leading them somewhere,

Or perhaps dragging them nowhere!

Just then when the sun came up,

And was about to flaunt its shine,

There someone stood challenging him for life,

Tightening the shoe lace and ready to strive!

In the next alley, there was someone,

Who again cursed the day and his life,

For making him a homesick nerd,

Depressed of not coming first, but only third!

There down the street,

A white-collar pro was hustling again,

Stuck between what to do and what not,

Whether to leave his job or give it a second thought!

And the morning alarm here was the school knock,

Where mum was trying to wake her kiddie,

Who rigidly didn’t want to attend the class,

Stress-free of whether he’ll f

ail or pass!

But there his dad was dealing with papers,

Thinking of how to repay the bank loan,

And what would get him more money,

To give his family a life that’s cheerful and comfy!

Yet the race seems ceasing nowhere,

As behind that next door,

A jobless was scribbling newspaper classifieds,

And googling job vacancies with some positive vibes!

You see, here, there, somewhere or everywhere,

At your place or maybe at mine,

Behind the lanes or down the streets,

All of them are running without pause and peace!

Some aren’t happy with what they have,

Some are just dealing with how it is,

Some are sobbing over love, money or food,

Cursing, complaining and sitting in a bad mood!

This hurry seems leading to a destiny,

Still so many unhappy faces and stressed minds,

Where someone must have reached somewhere,

Or maybe no one has yet reached anywhere!

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