

1 min

A face with a smile

Makes all the troubles disappear for a while

Everyday when we see a smile

It makes us want to go an extra mile

Makes us all feel everything’s worthwhile

Smiles not on faces

Is like humanity lost all its traces

No hate, no fight just excitation

All smiles is a real celebration

When all is confusions and delusion

It ensures that happiness is not an illusion

When you are neck dee

p in misery

It gives you hope that you too can break free

For the deluded

It makes them too feel included

Trends, friends

Its something that everyone lends

The mind is highly unstable

Seeing a smile makes everybody’s emotions stable

If I fall , get knocked down

A smile gets me off the ground

When there are no words to speak

A smile makes the quietness bleak

It goes on and on bound for forever

Even when we are gone

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