Salute To A Soldier
Salute To A Soldier

I too grew up with fond dreams
Of love, kindness and happy smiles
Be the hope of my parents, their anchor
Over the ravages of time and age
I was meant to be their courage
I was fed with care and concern
My body nourished, sheltered from harm
Today it lays battered and weak
Yet I soldier on, for I have learnt
To the vagaries of nature, I can no more relent
My world feels complete, when I lay in your lap
Your hands carressing my hair
Heartbeats a mix
ture of fear and pride
Unsaid words, unspoken plea
To some higher power to take care of me
The few precious days, soon over
A strong body but a wavering heart
But I did make my choice
Hiding tears from eyes that love me
Once again I walk away, to serve my country
Yet I shall never grudge you
Your precious security, your calm lives
Like many others before me, who quietly did their duty
I shall hope that my sacrifice
Will help preserve this paradise