
I was nine
When for the first time
My friend smooched me without my consent
Which is a crime?
I never talked to him again
But yes have to meet for several times.
It holds regret in me that why I didn't slap
Or at least fought with him.
I was fifteen
When for the first time
She told me about his father's evil side,
How he was sipping his princess's life.
She told me not to ask her to fight for the right
Because he is his father
& she is her child.
As I knew that if this time
This woman kept quiet
She will be in the same regret that I had from nine
& I will never be able to forgive me for unable to save a life.
In the starting, I asked her to speak up
Then I requested her
In the end, I forced her.
The moment it all sorted it became
A victory of mine over regret
A victory of the pure soul over lusty wolf
A victory of humanity over evil.