Delhi Bijaya Laxmi

Abstract Action Others


Delhi Bijaya Laxmi

Abstract Action Others

Power Of Words

Power Of Words

1 min

Words seem to be simple to spell

 But difficult to know well

They are the creator

 Of the universe 

And the main essence

 Of our lives 

They have that 

Energy and ability 

To hurt or to heal

To humiliate or to humble 

They consist of 

Vibrations and sound

With both positive

 And negative reinforcement

Words with positive

 Vibrations are blissful 

Whereas words with negative 

Vibrations are harmful

It may take one second

 To say something hurtful 

But the wound it cause 

Remains as a scar 

Which is unforgetful 


Words are like seeds

Do not go deep into the ground 

But when they land deep in one’s heart 

They blow sound around 

Words are innocent and powerless 

When standing in a line 

In a dictionary 

But their entry 

 Into huma

n tongue 

Make them stronger 

And more powerful 

Than atom bombs

Words are basically free 

But the way they are used

 Determine their cost 

Kind words are like honey 

Sweet to the soul and helpful for society 

Whereas harsh words

 Are poison and harmful 

Kind words maybe 

Short and simple 

And easy to say 

But their echoes are truly 

Endless gentle and noble

Words have that magical power

Which once registered in our brain 

Have a lasting impression

Very difficult to fade 

And give either

 Pleasure or pain 

Our choice of words 

Enable us to ‘express’ ourselves 

And our body language 

And voice modulation in their use 

Enable us to ‘impress’ others 

Choose your words 

Wisely and judiciously 

And utter them politely 

And live happily and peacefully.

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